Synopsis | Miyawaki Sakura

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"Who's this one?" I asked Sejeong as we stopped in front of another huge door, but unlike Eunbi's which was just white, this one had pink flowers on them. And not only that, they are perfectly even on each side.

"Miyawaki Sakura, age 21." I raised my brow.

"You have Japanese patients here too?" She nodded.

"Can they speak Korean?" I asked.

"Yes, they can. Don't worry about that and just go on already. This one's weird." I followed her order and walked inside the room.

Already from just the sight, Sakura's room was much cleaner and rather perfect from Eunbi's. Everything was aligned perfectly.

Her mirror, bedsheets, and even some colored pencils were on a desk that was organized from pink, blue, red, and purple.

...I have a feeling I know what this is.

No one was in the room, only me. However, I could suspect that she was in the bathroom but I shouldn't check just in case she's actually in there.

So I decided to do something else instead, I gently nudged a pencil out of formation. And just when I did-

"No no no! Move out of the way!" Suddenly I was pushed to the side as a small woman started rearranging the order of the colors back into their original positions.

"Are you Miyawaki Sakura-" Before I could finish, the woman was already examining my shoes.

"Take off your shoes, now! Please take them off!"

I obeyed, to her pleasure. She quickly took back my shoes and tossed them outside back into the hall before moving to a small desk. She carefully removed a seat and gently sat down whilst looking at me.

"You can speak now." I chuckled before taking my seat because I wanted to see her reaction to it.

And just as expected, Sakura immediately lifted herself off her seat and positioned mine just like hers before sitting down again.

"Sit slowly, you don't want to ruin the arrangement of the seats." She said quickly.

Just like she commanded, I sat carefully before looking back at her. Her face showed no signs of displeasure, so I'm assuming I could finally talk in peace.

"Are you Miyawaki Sakura?"


"Excuse me, miss?"

No answer. Instead, Sakura was repeatedly tapping her foot as she stared out the window. Suddenly, her breathing became heavy. I quickly turned around and saw that the window was open and at the ceiling it had a rooted vine that was entering the room, ruining the alignment of the pink stained windows.

Sakura, in a panic, jumped out of her seat and collapsed onto her bed.

"Stop! Make it stop!" She yelled.

Worried at this point, I rushed over to the window and attentively picked out the vine. I turned back to Sakura, she covered herself in her blanket and didn't move. I looked back at the window and noticed that it was noticeably dirty, unlike everything else. So I walked out of her room and found Sejeong.

"That was quick, let's hurry to the next-"

"Do you have any more pink stained windows that are clean?" She raised her brow.



"You can come out now, Sakura ssi." Slowly, she peeked out from the bedsheets to see that the windows were replaced with a beautiful shine. But not only that, her arrangement of small items and makeup was all tidied to small shelves.

"W-What did you... Did you help me?" She sounded surprised.

"Is that a bad thing- Oh wait here, let me help you." I offered to help with fixing her sheet, so I did.

After that, I sat down again just like before very carefully.

"Who are you and why did you help me?" Sakura asked as she sat down.

"I'm Hwang Y/n, your new doctor." Her sparkly eyes quickly diminished.

"Tch... doctor? You're probably just gonna throw us aside like those devils out there, aren't you?" She snarled.

"No, I'm here to help. Genuinely. It's my job. But I can't stay here long, so even if you don't like me then at least answer my questions." Sakura scoffed.


"Thank you. Now, the first question. How would you describe your illness?"

"...I like it when everything is perfectly aligned or symmetrical. Even pain, so when I accidentally cut my arms and legs, I have to give myself another cut on the opposite limb." Sakura then begrudgingly rolled up her sleeves and to my dismay, my heart crumbled at the sight of bruises and bandages all over them.

"If something isn't perfectly aligned... then sometimes I do things..."

"What kind of things?"


"It's okay, you don't have to answer that. But answer this, how long have you had this... strange addiction to perfection."

"2 years, ever since I moved to Korea."


Times up.

"Well thank you for your time, Miss Sakura." I stood up and perfectly placed my chair to parallel with hers under the table.

"I'll see you later, okay? So don't do anything before I come back."

"No promises."


"Is she fine?" Sejeong asked me as I walked out of the room again.

"She has OCD and she hurts herself. Did any of you know this?!" I asked with an angry tone. Sejeong rolled her eyes.

"Watch your words, noobie. It's not like we haven't tried to help them before."

"Then try harder... Whatever, let's go the next patient."


Name: Miyawaki Sakura

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Name: Miyawaki Sakura

Illness: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Cure: ???

- Sakura likes- no, NEEDS everything perfectly aligned to properly function. She could be a hard one to fix, but I won't stop trying. She also doesn't mind inflicting self-pain if she has bruises/cuts on one side of her body. However, no clues if she enjoys this.

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