Stories II

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"That's pretty tragic..." Y/n said. He then noticed Yuri become nervous.

"Yuri-ya?" She didn't hear him.

"Yuri-ya? Jo Yuri!" She then snapped back to reality.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes... I don't know why..."

"It's fine, Yuri-ya. If you're not ready to tell your story, then you'll tell it the other time." She nodded.

"Okay, who's next?" Y/n asked and Yena raised her hand.

"Well, might as well follow age sequence. Let's hear it."

"Okay... I was sent to Sangyong Medical Hospital because..."


"I'm Choi Yena! Nice to meet you guys!" She gives off positive energy and vibes to all of them.

"You may take a seat beside Kim Sihyeon. Kim Sihyeon! Raise your hand." The girl named Kim Sihyeon shyly raised her hand. Yena then sits beside her and greeted her.

"Hi! I'm Choi Yena!" Sihyeon fixes her round glasses before shyly replying.

"I-I'm Kim Sihyeon..."

"I hope we'll be friends!" Yena extends her hand for a handshake. She could only smile to reply.

A few months later, she became the school's popular girl. She's not just popular, she's also talented and nice! She's also managed to get Sihyeon out of her nerdy shell and people start to recognize her more. However, things aren't always turn out great.

A group of bully girls manipulated Sihyeon's mind and she immediately spread bad rumors about her. It was turning out great for her but one moment made her life upside down. People start calling her a fake person, bitch, and slut. She also didn't expect their sudden change of attitude.

She was sure she treated them well enough. She didn't understand why would this happen to her. She had enough and get depressed. But when she remembered back the awful nicknames they gave her, she decided to act like the terrible nicknames given to her. People start to say that she now starts showing her real self.

One day, she developed some mental problems which leads her to become aggressive and unmerciful towards others. She attacked Sihyeon and her other toxic friends. She was called to the principal and showed disrespectful actions towards him. Later, she was expelled from school as well as getting sent to Sangyong Medical Hospital. Her parents thought that she might be sick so they sent her there.

But it turned out to be worse for her. All the doctors in the hospital are total jerks and perverted as hell. She couldn't escape the wrath of those perverted doctors and fell victim to becoming their sex toy. She then starts drinking alcohol to release her stress. She lost hope in everything until a doctor named Y/n came.

She didn't want to trust him at first so she run away from him. She then was caught by some black suit guys which she knows. She was sexually abused there. She gave up on everything. Until one day, she was saved by the girls and Y/n. The words he said to her after they get her out from the room sparked hope inside her.

End of flashback

"They're so toxic like that one Britney Spears song." He said and they're all confused.

"What? You guys never heard of Britney Spears?"

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