Synopsis | Kim Chaewon

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"Now this one is... Kim Chaewon." I entered the room only to be greeted by a terrible scent of vomit.

I could hear someone vomiting in the bathroom. I slowly opened the door and saw a girl vomiting not just food, but also BLOOD?!?! After she was done, she fainted. I quickly carried her to the bed.


"Gosh... where... am I?..." She said in a hoarse voice.

"You're in a hospital."

"Who... are you?"

"I'm Hwang Y/n. Your new doctor." Gosh, how many times do I say this already. Might as well just be like Baymax then.

"Doctor?" She faces the opposite side not looking at me.

"Go away... I had enough of you guys... *cough* *cough*"

"I want to help you."

"I said go away! *cough* *cough*" It hurts my heart that she looks very pale and very thin.

She lacks nutrition. She doesn't exercise, she doesn't do anything. I feel like I know what this is. It's either between that two illnesses.

"Excuse me. Can I ask you a question?"

"Did you understand what I say? I said get lost! *cough* *cough*" By now, she's coughing blood. I stood up and fetch some water.

"Drink this, Chaewon ssi." She drank it all and she became a little bit calm.

"W-Why... are you doing this?"

"I told you. I wanted to help you."

"Help huh? You'll most likely be like those other stupid fucking doctors out there."

"I'm not like them. I am a doctor. And a doctor's job is to save lives. I want to help you." Her eyes that showed distrust turned into hopeful eyes.

"Do you... really want to help me?" I nodded.

"Hmm... looking at the situation just now, you seemed to throw up foods that you've eaten. This illness is a serious one. It'll also result in death."

"Death... *scoffs* That's what I really want..."

"But, if we just work hard to get through this, you'll never do your old habits ever again."

"Work hard... I never thought that you would say that to me. All of the doctors here are useless... However you... somehow gives me hope. If you're serious, then I'll consider whether to hear you or not."

"I am. I'm not lying or playing. I am dead serious." I looked at her with the eyes of seriousness, hoping that she would believe me.

"Okay... fine. You are serious. Now... what question did you want to ask just now?"

"Since when did you have these feelings of throwing up?"

"It's started back in middle school. I used to be fat and people would tease me because of it. That made me feel depressed and I worked hard to diet. When I became skinny, I become very proud of myself. But, I know that eating food will make me gain my weight back. So I figured out a way to prevent myself from gaining weight."

"And by that you mean..."

"Throwing up after I eat." Just like when I saw Sakura's bruises, my heart crumbled when I heard her say that. Why the fuck do these people not care about them? My anger boiled up but I calmed myself down.

"Fortunately, you're still alive at this point. If you somehow died just now, I will blame myself and blame this fucking hospital." A tear escaped my eye. I could feel her hand patting my back.

"It's okay. I'm still not dead. You could help me." I held her hand tightly.

"I promise, that I will help all 12 of you and your friends. I promise that I will make you get treated like normal people back again." She comes closer and hugs me.

"Thank you for saying that. Now that you promised it, don't ever break it."

"I won't."

"Now, what other questions do you want to ask?"


I get to know her better in just a few minutes. She doesn't like gaining weight because of the trauma of being teased when she was little. She also said to me that she likes radish and explained to me why she likes it. She looks pretty cute in my opinion. I also gave her a little advice before I leave.

"Remember what I say Chaewon ssi."

"Yes, I will."

As I was about to leave, she grabbed my hand.

"Wait a second."


"Before you go to the next patient, I want to tell you something about her."

"What is it?"

"Her name is Kim Minju, and... just try your best to calm her down and also follow what she says. Her illness is pretty hard to handle."

"Alright, Chaewon ssi. I'll keep that in mind."

"Thank you... for helping me."

"It's my job to help people. Troubled lives need to be saved. Bye Chaewon ssi." She waves goodbye and I did the same. I continue to walk my way to the next patient... Kim Minju.


Name: Kim Chaewon

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Name: Kim Chaewon

Illness: Bulimia Nervosa

Cure: ???

- Chaewon tends to throw up after she eats because she's scared of gaining weight. However, this also results in other side effects. The acid that flows along with the food when she throws up will affect her throat and her mouth. But after I gave her a few pieces of advice, I hope she could keep it in mind and try to prevent herself from doing that.

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