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3rd Person POV

The next day, Y/n woke up and starts off a fresh new day. After he did his morning routine, he continues to work like yesterday. He arrives at Eunbi's front door and knocked a few times. Then Eunbi opened it with her lidded eyes, meaning that she just woke up.

"Good morning Eunbi noona!"

"Morning..." She yawns and gestures him to come in. He comes in and sits down on her bed.

"Docta~ Yoona go chower fist, ok?"

"Alright Yoona-ya. Go on." He waits for her to finish. After waiting for a while, she finishes showering and then sits beside him.

"So, let's start now."

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"Bye Yuri-ya!"

"Bye!" And he gets out of the room.

"That was tiring..." He is on his way to go to Yujin's room after he finished his therapies with the 10 girls. Yujin and Wonyoung are left and then he can rest for a bit.

As he's walking to Yujin's room, he heard weird noises near a room. He went to check on it and saw a small gap at the door.

"You're so pretty."

"Thanks, oppa~" Y/n held his fists and his anger starts raising. He opens the door only to find Yujin who's kissing Rajoon.

"AHN YUJIN!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Rajoon buttons up his shirt and tries to run away. He TRIED. He didn't manage to run away because Y/n stopped him. He grabs his collar and pinned him to the wall.

Y/n's eyes are full of anger and hatred. He was about to punch him when Yujin stopped his fist from reaching Rajoon's face. That makes an opening for Rajoon to run and he pushes him away to escape. Yujin hugs him from behind.

"LET GO OF ME! LET ME FUCKING GO!" He struggled to get out of Yujin and after a few hard struggles, he managed to escape from Yujin. Then, he slapped Yujin.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" He grabs her collar and pinned her against the wall as he did just now.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"Ah. Now you can say sorry? Listen here. I won't treat you anymore! AND I AM DONE WITH YOU!" He pushed her to the wall and left her.

He goes to Wonyoung's room and treats her. But he is still not yet calm down. He was about to go in but he shouldn't treat her in his rage mode. Then, someone saw him.

"Y/n!" He looks to his right and saw Chaewon calling out to him. She went closer to Y/n and saw that he's mad.

"Huh? Why are you mad?"

"I-It's nothing."

"Sigh... come with me." Chaewon takes his hand and takes him to the hospital's garden.

Once they arrive there, they sit on a bench side by side.

"Now tell me why are you mad."

"I-It's... It's..."

"Slowly Y/n."

"It's Yujin."

"Yujin? What about her?"

"She was... She was kissing a doctor here. They were trying to have sex there."

"Sigh... she's always like that. You have to be calm."

"If... If I didn't have... If I didn't have any memory about what sex is, I probably wouldn't be mad at Yujin."

"What do you mean?"

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