Training Start!

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"So, let's get it started shall we?"

"Okay." Eunbi said.

"First, I need Susan. Don't ever change into anything. I just need Susan."

"Fine then~" Susan appears.

"Okay, I'm gonna ask you 5 questions and you must answer it honestly."


"So, the first question, do you ever feel as if you're outside of your body, observing yourself?"

"Hmm... I kinda like to try that. But no."

"The second question. Do you feel as though there is more than one person, or maybe many people, living inside your head?"

"ALL THE FREAKING TIME! I mean those bitches don't let me talk with them, don't let me interact with any one of them, they treat me like I don't exist. I'm freaking Susan! Susan Choi!"

Geez... I wonder what's going on inside her head.

"Were you physically abused or neglected as a child? Was anyone in your family abused during your childhood?"

"Abused? No never. I got scolded though."


"Those fucking bitches."


"Susan... Rena is not a bitch... Rena is good..."

"Ewww bishh! You are nut gud! Yoona hathe you!"

"This is why nobody likes you, Susan."

"Calm down guys... Geez, I only said a little bit of it, and y'all throwing tantrums."

All personalities came out at once. Now that's messed up.

"Have you ever thought of harming yourself or others? Do you drink alcohol or recreational drugs?"

"Trust me you wouldn't believe how many times I want to smack all of them in the face."


"Rena scared... Don't hit Rena..."

"Brink it on looza! Yoona weady!"

"Calm down Susan... We don't want any trouble..."

"Alright, this can't do. Eunbi ssi, talk to me."

"Oh gosh... they are bickering inside my head. Urghhh SHUT UP!"


"Rena didn't say anything..."

"Wanya fite Unbee? Yoona ish weady!"

"Please guys stop."

Looks like we gonna do the therapy immediately.

"Eunbi ssi."


"You're gonna get psychotherapy, hypnotherapy for 20 minutes, and adjunctive therapy for 20 minutes. So each therapy has 20 minutes. So I'm gonna be with you for an hour. Is there any dumbbell or something heavy but can be lifted over here?"

"Yes. There is a dumbbell inside that wardrobe cabinet. It's not the metal one."

"Ah, the sand one." She nods.

I do all of my therapies with her in order to somehow manage to make her normal again bit by bit.

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