Synopsis | Honda Hitomi

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"Hwang Y/n!!!" There she is again... Kim Sejeong. She tried to slap me but she stopped herself from doing so.

"Am I your worker? You don't order me around like that!"

"Listen here, Miss Kim Sejeong. You're a nurse. And obviously, your job is to check on the patients. If any of you in this fucking hospital can't do your damn job then what's your point of working here?" I said in my serious tone.

"You... Forget about it. Let's just move on." I followed her to the next patient's room. Shortly after, we've arrived in front of a door and it also has Japanese words on it.

"I asked a few other nurses in here and I believe this is your next patient. Her name is Honda Hitomi, age 18."

"Go in." She glared at me and I knocked on the door before I entered.

"Hitomi ssi?" There was silence throughout the room. I saw her hugging her knees and looking outside the window.

"Hello, Hitomi ssi. I'm-"

"Get out."

"Hitomi ssi, I'm-"

"I said get out." She gives a death glare to me but I won't give up just like that. I promised Chaewon that I will help all 12 of them so I won't just back down like that.

"Honda Hitomi." She looks back at me with an annoyed face that immediately turns to a little bit scared face because of the seriousness on my face.

"So... another doctor? Get lost."

"I'm here to help."

"Help? Funny... People said that to us but never done any actions."

"They can only talk the talk. But they can't walk the walk."

"What is your point?"

"To me, actions speak louder than words." I approached her and checked on her.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" She slaps my hand.

"No bruises or cuts on your face." I rolled up her sleeves and luckily, she's clean.

"Neither do here."

"Are you a fucking pervert? Get the fuck outta here!" I turned on my small torchlight and checked her eyes to see if she's using drugs or not. She closes her eyes after I turned the torchlight off.

"What's fucking wrong with you?"

"So tell me Hitomi ssi. Did the previous doctors do these things to you?"

"They-" She hesitated to answer it. I guess they fucking didn't. Well... wage earners am I right?


"Then I proved to you that I really want to help you." She started to laugh.

"You're a funny guy."

"I don't think I am but I do dark humor."

"Nobody can't even understand my feelings. Not even my friends. Especially not even you."

"How did you and Nako end up here? I mean, how did you end up here?"

"So she told you huh? If she already told you then I'm not repeating it."

"She only talks about her side... not yours."

"Well, you know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat. If you don't want to get in trouble, then stop bothering me and get out."

"Look here. I'm not like those wage earners just lazing off and not doing their job seriously. I'm a dedicated and responsible man. So when I talk the talk, I also walk the walk. I'm not joking or whatever. I just... I just wanna help all of you. It's what a doctor's supposed to do. Help and save people's lives."

I guess my words had gave an impact on her when she showed me those hopeful eyes. It's screaming 'help me'. I can feel like she trusts me... A LITTLE.

"I'm not sure but... let's give it a shot."

"Alright, Hitomi ssi. Here's my first question. Can you explain why did you have depression? What was the cause?"

"Sigh... my family looked down on me... They said I was a failure, brings bad luck, all that other stuff... Not until I met Nako. She was the source of my depression got cured for a short moment. But when that happened, my family immediately threw me away. It's my fault too for defending her and got suspended with her."

"Does all 12 of you ever interact with each other in this hospital?"

"Sometimes. But there would be like 2 or 3 times a week."

"So your only close friend is Nako?"

"There's also Chaewon unnie. But just looking at her condition made me depressed even more."

"I talked to her. I hope she remembers what I told her."

"What did you tell her?"

"Don't give up on life. Live your life to the fullest even though you're in pain."

"You're a lecturer or something?"

"Nope. I'm a doctor. A psychiatrist."


I continued talking with Hitomi for a little bit before I get up and go to the next patient.

"Thank you for your time, Hitomi ssi." As I was reaching the doorknob, she called me.

"Hey, Y/n. Since we're the same age, I'm just gonna call you that."

"What is it, Hitomi?"

"Thanks a lot. You're not bad after all."

"Told ya. Bye, Hitomi-ya."

"Bye Y/n." I get outside and Sejeong still showed her unpleasant face.


"Obviously." We continued on our way to the next patient.

" We continued on our way to the next patient

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Name: Honda Hitomi

Illness: Depression

Cure: ???

- Hitomi was very mean at first, but after convincing her, she became a bit better. Her depression doesn't show any serious symptoms yet. But I know it'll appear later. I think that I could fix her just well.

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