Synopsis | Kang Hyewon

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"There's no use in having you here, Hwang Y/n. These idiots can't be saved." A coworker blurted out as we walked by, I rolled my eyes and caught up to Sejeong.

"What's with the people who work here? Why aren't they helping?" I asked. Sejeong looked at me before giving out a long sigh.

"Look Hwang Y/n... not even I think you can save these girls. They're too far gone and they won't listen to anyone here. I'm already surprised by the fact that you talked with two of them without being scathed. She confessed.

"I shouldn't have asked."

"And besides in the next few months, this hospital will-" But before Sejeong could finish her probably important sentence, a nurse yelled from the end of the hall as a girl dashed towards us.

"Kang Hyewon stop this instant!" The nurse called.

But the girl didn't listen and she ran past me and Sejeong I caught a glimpse of her eyes. Eyes filled with sorrow and coldness.

And the next thing you know and before I could even process the situation...

...she jumped out a 3rd story window.


"...huh? Where am I? Is this hell?" Hyewon muttered as she slowly opened her eyes, her right leg was in a cast but other than that her body was miraculously fine.

"Nope, it's a hospital." Hyewon's eyes immediately landed on me and to her disappointment, she backed into a corner of her bed, which was aligned next to a wall.

"So I failed again..." Again? Geez, how many times has this girl tried to kill herself?

"Again? So you've done that more than once...?" I asked. However, Hyewon only gave me a darting glare. She may be pretty but her stare can pierce right through my soul.


"You're not gonna answer?"


So she doesn't trust me, well that's evident enough since this hospital is a complete shitshow-

Actually, I got an idea.

"Want some food?" Her eyes suddenly lifted. However, instead of answering, she begrudgingly nodded. I walked outside and then quickly came back with a bowl of crackers and some juice. Not the best, but I got what I could get.

And without even saying anything again, Hyewon dug into the food like there was no tomorrow. I didn't know the girl but already knowing her condition, I was happy that she was fine with eating.

"I'm Hwang Y/n."


"And I'm your new doctor."


"What you did earlier, can you tell me why you did that?"


"Is it because... you experienced something that made you want to do that?" Her body flinched, well I guess I can conclude... that she has PTSD.

"Shut up..."

"Excuse me?"

"You doctors, don't know anything... how we feel, how we think, how we act... how we want to be treated like normal people. All you guys do is keep us here locked up like we're damn animals!"

"Hyewon ssi, let's calm down now..."

"You don't understand, YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND THE PAIN I WENT-"

Somehow she stood up on her bed, but her leg was still in pain. The rush of needles jabbing her legs caused her to jolt back and wince in pain. Luckily before she could fall, I caught her. Thank god...

"Y-You can't..." Hyewon still spoke as she repeatedly thumped my chest.

"You won't... understand the pain..." A sickening tear dropped to the side of her eyes once she grew unconscious. And as much as I wanted to help her now, I gently hooked up her cast-line and rested her leg on a hammock to prevent injury.

I walked outside to Sejeong talking to some coworkers and as soon as they made eye contact with me, they left Sejeong alone.

"Next patient is this wa-"

"Go watch Hyewon." I said aggressively.

"You don't order me around-"

"DO YOUR FUCKING JOB AND TAKE CARE OF HER!" All eyes are focused on me by now, and I could see the annoyance in her eyes as she stomped into Hyewon's room.

Conveniently on the ground, there was a list containing the name of each patient. I can do this by myself... I'll show them, all life matters.


Name: Kang Hyewon

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Name: Kang Hyewon

Illness: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Cure: ???

- The cause of PTSD is unknown. However, I can assume based on her action that she has suffered from the thoughts of social pressure, leading her to failed suicide attempts. Giving her multiple traumas from her past tries. But as long as she's watched PROPERLY I want to assume that she won't do anything horrible when I come back.

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