Synopsis | Kim Minju

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"Her name is Kim Minju, and... just try your best to calm her down and also follow what she says. Her illness is pretty hard to handle." What kinda illness does she have? As I'm deep in my thoughts while walking, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry. I'm very sor-" I look up and it's a pretty short girl with a ponytail and has hamster-like facial features. However, she suddenly starts to sweat. Gosh, what did I do?

"Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine."

"No. You don't look okay. You-" Before I could finish my words, she already ran off.

"What's wrong with her? Why does she suddenly sweating? Wait, is it... Well, let's move on." Walking a few more steps and there I am, in front of her room. Patient Kim Minju. Chaewon said that her illness is hard to handle...

I knocked a few times and heard screams inside. I quickly opened the door and saw her on the corner of the bed. Covering her ears and closing her eyes.

"Are you alright, Minju ssi?" She hits me and pushes me away.

"Go away! Go the fuck away from me! You're not real!"

"Minju ssi, I am real. Touch me." I grabbed her hand to touch my face.

"No... You're just my imagination. Go away!" Imagination? Could it be...

"Minju ssi, calm down!" I hugged her tightly but she struggles to get out.

"Go away!" She hits my chest multiple times and I have to admit, it freaking hurts. But, it's my job to save them.

After a few minutes, I was able to calm her down. She stops struggling and she looks down.

"Kim Minju ssi?" She slowly nods.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"What for? Who are you anyway?"

"It's for the synopsis about my patients. And ah I forgot to introduce myself. Nice to meet you, I'm Hwang Y/n. From now on, I'll be the doctor that will take care of you."

"Doctor huh? At the end of the day, you guys will just leave me here, feeling afraid and not giving a fuck about us. And I'm just gonna stuck with Golm forever in here."

"Golm? Who is he?"

"You can't see it. Only me."

"Only you?" She nods.

"Well, can I greet him?" She lifts her head and shows her innocent and beautiful face. Gosh, why do all the patients I met are beautiful! Why do beautiful people like them have a mental illness problem?

Before I'm out of context, Minju lifts her head and widened her eyes, doubting her ears.

"A-Are you s-serious?" I nodded. Though, I do have that scared feeling deep inside my heart.

"G-Golm, he wants to greet you." I lifted my hands and waved to the door in front of me. Just kidding. I'm waving to who I assume Golm in front of me. Which is very weird because there's nobody in front of me.

"Greet him back."

"Good. Now shake his hand." I shake hands with nobody in front of me. At this point, I have to use my imagination and wittiness in this situation.

"Golm watch out!" She suddenly screamed and her eyes shows the looks of horror. She goes towards me and checks on... Golm.

"Golm are you alright? Urghhh, fuck you, morons!!!" She starts punching and kicking nobody. Suddenly, an idea popped inside my head.

"Minju ssi. I'll try to save... Golm." I am not sure what gender it is but I start to do the CPR on it.

"I-It's working."

"How could it be? He was shot in the head... He's... standing!!!" Oh hell no.

"I saved him. Now I'll help you-" She starts doing a Kame-Hame Ha gesture to... once again nobody.

"Die you filthy beasts!!!" She breathes heavily and then fell unconscious to the floor. I carried her to her bed and after a while, she woke up.

"W-Where am I? W-Who are you?"

"I'm Hwang Y/n, your new doctor." I've been saying this for the 8th time of the day and I'm starting to get sick of it.

"Doctor? Go the hell away from me. You won't even help me anyway." I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Minju ssi, I really want to help you. I want you to get better. My words are sincere."

"You're serious?"

"I am. Now can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?"

"When did you have these real imagination syndromes?"

"When I was 11, my parents died in a burning house. But after they died, I suddenly have these imaginations where... it's all looks really real to me. And when I have these imaginations, Golm was there to help me. But he's just a shadow. He couldn't talk."

"Speaking of Golm, where is he now?" She asked.

"Umm... he's back at his home, still resting after he got shot in the head."

"Ohh... right."


I continued to talk with Minju and she was very traumatized until she got these hallucinations that seems to be real to her.

"Thank you for your time, Minju ssi."

"You're welcome. And... Golm is alright, right?"

"Yes. Don't worry about it. He'll be fine."

"Thank you, Dr. Hwang."

"No problem."

"Ah, just in case if you're searching for the next patient, let me tell you where she is."

"Where is it?"

"Walk straight through the end of the corridor and turn left. Find a door that has Japanese word on it."

"Well, thanks Minju ssi."

"And... beware also. She has huge mood swings though she is very small."

"I'll keep that in mind. I'll get going now." We both waved to each other goodbye before I continue my journey to the next patient's room.

" We both waved to each other goodbye before I continue my journey to the next patient's room

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Name: Kim Minju

Illness: Schizophrenia

Cure: ???

- Minju IS living in a real imagination world of herself. So, what doesn't quite exist in real life, exists in her hallucinations. She could become aggressive when her friend... Golm is being threatened or hurt. Her illness is pretty hard to fix but with hard work, I think I could fix her back to normal again.

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