Synopsis | Lee Chaeyeon

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"Gosh... that girl is fast." After I was unable to catch her, I went to the next patient's room.

"Lee Chaeyeon. Now, what illness does she have?" I twisted the doorknob and slowly entered. As I entered, I saw a ripped blanket, a ripped pillow with its cotton all over the floor, drawings all over the walls. I was looking around until...


I swear somebody just passed by me. That made me startled a little bit.

"Gosh, I'm bored (5x)." She said.

"I. AM. FUCKING. BORED.~" She looks at me and goes towards me.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Hello, I'm Hwang Y/n. Your new doc-" As I was introducing myself, she starts to wander around, not listening to what I said.

"Oh gosh, this place feels like a cage. It's not like a cage. IT IS A FUCKING CAGE!"

"Umm, Chaeyeon ssi?"

"Yep, that's me. Now, what the fuck do you want?"

"I just wanted to help you. I'm your new doctor from now on." She does her things. She's not focusing on what I say. Could it be...

"Chaeyeon ssi? Please focus on me."

"I am focusing on you. Just keep on talking."

"I just want to know about- You're not listening, Chaeyeon ssi."

"I am! Just continue." I walk towards her and grab both of her shoulders.

"Focus, Chaeyeon ssi."

"Alright fine. Speak fast. I have other things to do." Other things? Just now she said she's bored.

"I'm Hwang Y/n, your new doctor. I want to know about your illness. When do you start having symptoms of your illness?" She was very distracted and heard only a few of my words.

"Dr. Hwang Y/n? That's your name, right? Now go, I have other things to do." She goes to do her things and I just observed her from afar.

I knew it... She's hyperactive but gets bored easily. I know what this illness is. But besides that, for a person having that kind of illness, she's quite talented. Too bad she just does her dance for a few minutes before doing other things. She... can't sit still.

She almost tripped when she runs to the bathroom. Luckily, I was nearby and caught her. As she was using the bathroom, I looked around her room. There's a lot of unfinished drawings as well as unfinished things.


"What are you doing?"

"I'm just looking around." She then pushes me aside.

"Get out of here. I don't need you right now."

"But I need to write some synopsis for your illness. Can you at least tell me something about it?" She looks annoyed.

"Fine. So, listen. I was diagnosed with this illness when I was 15. I was exposed to lead and somehow I start having symptoms of this illness and- wait that's a nice looking bird." She goes to look at the birds.

Hmm... lead... Exposure to lead even at low levels could result in hyperactivity and inattention. Did she get this illness... because of toxin?

"Chaeyeon ssi? Does your mother drinks alcohol or smoke?"

"Nope, she has never done that. And wait are you suspecting my mom as an alcoholic or a smoker? How dare you?"

"N-No I didn't mean it like that." She continues doing her things.

"Ah and also, I got meningitis when I was little."

"Meningitis?" Certain illnesses and injuries could also lead to this illness. What I expected was right.

"So Chaeyeon ssi, do you-"

"Where the fuck is my red color pencil?" She starts to search for it and after a while, she can't seem to find it.

"Urghhh think Chaeyeon think. Ahh fuck it I hate thinking."

I took a step back and I stepped on something. I look down and there it is... her red color pencil. I picked it up and called her.

"Chaeyeon ssi. It's here." She snatches it away from my hand.

"I've answered all of your questions. Now get lost."

"Okay. Fine." I goes towards the door and before leaving I said something to her.

"When I'm back, please at least, sit down for a few minutes."

"Who the fuck are you to order me?"

"I know I'm a nobody. But trust me, I'll help all of you here."

"Bullshit. The previous doctors can't even put up with my attitude. Now go away."

"Thanks, Chaeyeon ssi." I closed the door and then lets out a big sigh.

"This fucking hospital... No... I need to change them. I know I can..."


Name: Lee Chaeyeon

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Name: Lee Chaeyeon

Illness: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Cure: ???

- Chaeyeon gets easily bored and it's difficult to make her focus. She CAN'T sit still. She also seemed like she doesn't care about me. She always does her job unfinished. Whenever she tried to do the job, she can't seem to concentrate and then left it undone. Sometimes she does shows signs of getting tired but she continues her activity.

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