Secret Admirer

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5 months later...


Y/n slams his palm to the table while staring at each of the girls inside the room.

"Why are you looking at us like that?" Sakura asked.

"Why do each one of you give me presents?" Y/n asked.

"Is it wrong if we give you gifts? We appreciate your help so that's why we gave you gifts." Eunbi said. She pats herself internally for not stuttering.

"But I smell something... Are you guys making a plan behind me?"

"Plan? What plan? I don't know any plans. What is a plan? Is it the one that flies?" Chaeyeon asked.

"Aish really STOP PLANNING THINGS BEHIND ME!!!" He slams again to the table.


"Okay now, noona-" Eunbi then gives him a plastic with a food-loaded container inside.

"Why noona?"

"Take it. Consider this a gift of appreciation." She tucks her hair behind her ears as she says that.

"Alright, thanks noona. Now, Bella, come out." Her expression turns serious. She crosses her arms and legs.

"The fuck do you want?" She said looking annoyed.

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"Are you okay if this pen tilts a little?" Y/n tilts it a bit.

"I'm fine." She said calmly.

"Now what about-" Y/n accidentally knocks all the pen to the ground and panicked.

"Ah shit, I'm sorry Saku-chan." She giggled as she sees Y/n's panicked face. She goes towards him and gives him a black pen wrapped with a ribbon.

"Saku-chan, korehanandesuka?" He points to the pen.

"It's obviously a pen, baka!" She smiles.

"Take it."

"Ehh? What for?"

"As an appreciation gift."

"Hmm... deja vu..."

"Deja vu? Why? Someone had given you a pen like this before?" Y/n shakes his head.

"Nah. Let's forget it noona. Thanks anyway. I'll use it well." Y/n takes the pen and puts it on his coat's chest pocket. Sakura smiled happily because he took her gift.

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"We're done here. Anything you want to-" Yena gives Y/n a cute little duck plushie.

"Take it."

"Yes?" Y/n hesitates.

"If you don't want it it's fine." She tries to take back her offer but Y/n grabs her wrist.

"I-I'll take it. Thank you noona." He flashes a smile then tilts his head while looking down. Yena tried to hold her smile after he takes it.

"Thanks for the gift noona." She coolly tucks her hair behind her ears.

"You're welcome." She tries to sound like she doesn't care much about it but her inner heart can't lie about what she's feeling.

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