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The next day...

"Are both of you ready?" Ms. Na asked.

"Yes!" Yujin and Yena said.

Ms. Na took them both somewhere after she made a fake document for getting the girls to go to get medical supplies for both of them.

Ms. Na used a simple trick on Rajoon that made him fall into her trap so Rajoon let the girls go with her. Ms. Na drove them to a place. After they arrived, she leads them to a place.

"Ms. Na, isn't this a prison? I thought you want to take us to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office?" Yujin said.

"Before we go there, I need you guys to meet someone. That you both missed. And also, tell him the truth." They both gasped and then followed her.

They arrived at a place and both of them waited in front of the glass with small holes on it. Then the door of the other side opened revealing their boyfriend, Hwang Y/n. Their hearts crumpled seeing how thin he looked. He sits down and waves at them.


"Y/n..." Yena said in a cracked voice. They both let out their tears.

"Why are you guys crying?" He looks worried.

"Hwang Y/n..." Yujin then faces away from him.

"Yujin-ah..." Y/n said.

"Unnie... talk to him... I can't see him..."

"Alright, Yujin-ah..." Yena wipes her tears and sniffed to prevent her snot from coming out. She cleared her throat before speaking.

"Y-Y/n... H-How are you?"

"I've been fine."

"B-But why are you so thin?" He looked confused.

"I'm thin? I'm pretty sure I'm still the same though because I newly entered here."

"You serious? You look like a tree branch right now!"

Well... in front of the girls' eyes he looked thin but actually... he is still the same.


"Tell him unnie..." Yujin sits on the floor facing the wall, not wanting to face him.

"Tell what?"

"Fine... Sigh... Y-Y/n, please don't be shocked."


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"Detective Do!" Ms. Na called him.

"What's up, Prosecutor Na?" Once he get to her, she checked her Left & Right. Then, she jumped and hugged him. He was taken aback by her sudden hug.

"W-What are you doing?"

"I'm hugging you because I miss you!"


"P-Prosecutor Na, I don't understand. Why do you miss me?" He's clueless. She backed away and pouts.

"You're seriously so dense!"

"W-What? Why are you suddenly like this? What did I do?"

"Gosh, why couldn't you notice it?!" She walked away crossing her arms, leaving him dumbfounded.

"What's wrong with her? Is she on period or what?" He continued his way.

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