Stories III

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"I'll just make it short. So..."

"You can make it longer. We can hear it." Sakura said.

"Should I?"

"Sure. Golm also agrees." Minju said.

"Okay then. So, my story goes like this..."

"Wait!" Chaewon said.

"You're not gonna tell what you told us again right?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, you've told us that story. I mean I've heard it twice though." Y/n thought for a little bit before realizing what she meant.

"Ah that one. Wait I thought you guys said I can make my story longer?"

"Just continue on!" Yujin said.

"Alright then. My story goes like this..."


After the death of his mother, Y/n was taken care by his uncle and aunt. Y/n thought that they will treat him better like his mom but...

"Hey, Hwang Y/n!!! Give me my fucking beer!!!" Y/n obeyed his uncle and goes to take the beer. He was abused since he lived with them for about 5 months. He is now 14 years old.

"Good boy. I'm feeling horny today. And your fucking sexy aunt isn't here so... How about you go call a bitch for me?" Y/n kept his mouth shut.

"Oi! Answer when I'm talking to you!" He kept on silent.

"You won't answer me? I'll fucking punish you!" His uncle then aggressively pulled him as he's struggling to escape. His uncle grabs his belt.

"Please uncle! No! Please don't do this again!" He then starts beating Y/n with the belt. Every hit left visible marks and made him bleed as well. The torture was too much for Y/n.

"Fucking listen to me when I asked you to! Is that so hard to do! Is it!" His uncle keeps on beating him while Y/n grunts in pain. After a few minutes of beating him, his uncle stops to catch his breath.

"Now, go call a bitch for me. Or else you're gonna be my punching bag. Understand that?!" He lets go of his belt. He panted heavily and laid down on the couch, drinking his beer.

Y/n goes upstairs and calls a prostitute for his uncle. After that, he sits silently while looking at the mirror. He was tortured for a long time. He hates it. He hates everything and everyone.

He slams his fist to the table. And then he punches the wall. He punches the mirror as well and it cracked. His fist is bleeding but he didn't care.

"I'm home!" He heard the voice of his aunt. His bedroom door was opened by his aunt.

"Hey. Another bitch ordered you. You better satisfy her, get it?" He slowly nodded.

"What's with that crying face? That fucking dickhead beat you again?" He nodded again.

"Serve you right for being here. I'm gonna go fuck him now. Your bitch is outside. You'll sleep with her so next morning, find your way back home on your own. Now go." Y/n obeyed his aunt and take his bag with his clothes and goes outside to meet a tall and sexy woman.

"Hello, there! You must be Y/n, right? Come with me."

Hwang Y/n works as a call boy at times when his aunt is desperate for money. He earned money but never get to have it since she takes it all. Sometimes she would but it's such a small amount.

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