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"What was that?" The male asked. The guard comes back in and informed him.

"Jacker was stealing some cakes from the fridge, sir." The girls look relieved.

"Aish... I thought there's an intruder or something." Hearing the word 'intruder' made them a little bit nervous.

"So, back to our discussion. Do you guys agree about signing the contract? Give us the land and we'll give you how much compensation you guys want."

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Yuri saw a room labeled 'Prisoner Room'. She thought that it must be the room where they kept Yena. However, the room is beside their room. It's hard to go in now considering that some guys are guarding outside and smoking.

"Minju-ya, can you and Golm distract them?"


"Umm..." She pressed the ear device.

"Oppa, they're guarding over here."

"How many are there?"

"There are 4 of them."

"Just wait for a minute. Yujin-ah, Hitomi-ya, make an excuse to go to the toilet. Wonyoung and Chaewon will stay inside."

"Umm... can we excuse ourselves to the toilet first? I got some business to do and I don't like being in a rich people's house toilet without a companion." Yujin said.

"You should go, mistress. Guards! Escort them to the toilet." The evil guy said.

"Chaewon-ah. Clear your throat if you're ready." There's no response from her which means that they're not yet ready.

"Eunbi noona, how's the situation out there?"

"One of the guards is having sex with a maid."

"You should've just... I mean... Ah TMI. You could've said everything's fine. But anyways, observing team, keep on observing the movements of the guards outside."

"Chaewon-ah. We need your response." Then they could hear Chaewon clear her throat.

"Okay, I'll switch off the electricity. In 3, 2, 1."

The lights then all turned off. All they could see was darkness inside the house. The light from outside could provide a little light inside the house since it's all covered with curtains.

"What the heck is this?! Hammer, go check the electricity! Gosh didn't I paid the bill already?"

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"Noona, stay behind me." Hyewon goes behind Y/n and he could hear footsteps coming down towards them. They hide behind some box craters like the ones in Granny.

"Aish. Who the heck messed with this electric box?" They see a flashlight and Y/n still keeps quiet. The guard is literally in front of them but he couldn't see them.

"Who turned off this shit?" He clicked back on but turns out it's the wrong button. Y/n then sneakily goes behind him and covered his mouth. The man struggled to escape him but Y/n hit his vital spot and he fainted. He threw his body to the drain. If you play Granny, you know how the drain looks like. (Don't worry there's no octopus in it.)

"One settled. Come on noona." Y/n grabs her wrist and then goes upstairs. They another two guards and he knew how to handle them.

"Noona, cover the man's eye on the left. I'll take care of the right one first." She nodded and they sneakily goes towards them. And then they strike!

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