Synopsis | Yabuki Nako

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"Japanese words. Japanese words." Those words are the only words I kept on repeating. As I walk on my way to the next patient's room, somebody ran and bumped into me making me fall.

"I'm really sorry."

"Urgghhh, use your fucking eyes, stupid!" She said with a weird Korean accent.

I look up and saw a girl in front of me, with an annoyed and pissed-off face. I get up and brushed myself but she suddenly come up to me.

"Are you okay, sir? I'm sorry for bumping into you. I was really careless." Did her mood just... shift?

"Yes, I'm okay." All of a sudden, she grabbed my collar.

"Now go away from me!" She continued walking away. Her figure is very small. Just by looking at her back, I could feel her emotions.

She walks slowly, I guess she's emotional- Then she walks with stomping her feet angrily. What the- Wait... Was she... I followed her and then she entered a room. The door showed Japanese words. I knocked before I entered the room.

"Did you fucking follow me?"

"N-No. I was searching for my next patient and it happens to be you."

"Patient? Are you a doctor?" She said in a calm tone.

"Yes. My name is Hwang Y/n."

"You know what... I don't trust doctors... They won't even help me anyway." She said in a sad tone.

"Umm... What's your name?"

"I'm Yabuki Nako. [Calm tone]"

"Nako ssi, I really want to help you."

"Don't fucking lie to me. You're just like those assholes out there who won't even try to help their patients. People like you are just slackers! [Mad tone]"

"Nako ssi. I'm not like them. And I'm not a slacker person as well. I'm here to treat you, and I'll promise that I'll take you back to normal again."

"R-Really? [Calm tone]" I nodded.

"Now, let me start to ask you a question."

"Sure... w-what is it? [Scared tone]"

"When did you first have these huge mood swings syndromes?"

"When I was a little stupid bitch, my fucking family just abandons me and I was left out. That made me feel fucking depressed and just by thinking of that really fucking angers me. [Mad tone]"

"Did you get abused?"

"Abused? Yes, mentally. They would say bad words to me saying that I'm useless whatsoever. I just take all of it to the heart and store up all of them. No big deal. [Happy tone]"

"Umm so, what did you do after that?"

"I... left out the house. I can't stand it anymore. I had enough of it. I decided to live alone. Luckily, Hitomi was there to help me. But she also suffers the same fate as me. [Sad tone]"

"So, did Hitomi and you live together?"

"Yes! We did everything fun! It was so memorable! [Cute tone]"

"How did you end up here?"

"Here? Those fucking stupid humans sent both of us to this fucking shitty hospital. What's fucking wrong with them? I was just reprimanding somebody to fucking focus in class. That bitch was watching a beauty tutorial on her phone. Then I was fucking called to the principal's office. With just a small matter like that, those fucking shits suspended me from school! Then they sent both me and Hitomi to this shithole. [Mad tone]"

"I see. Don't worry Nako ssi. I'll try my best to help you and I promise that."

"T-Thank you... Y/n ssi. But it'll be hard to handle me. My illness is just... really hard to handle. I felt bad to let you go through all of this. [Guilty tone]"

"Don't worry. No matter how hard your illness is, I'll try my best to cure it. We'll get through this."


I talked to her for a while and from what I see, she tends to have serious mood swings. Whenever it's her turn to speak, her mood would change drastically.

"I'll get going to the next patient. Thank you for your time, Nako ssi."

"You're welcome. And also, the next patient that you'll be meeting is Honda Hitomi, my best friend. She has depression so good luck with it. [Sassy tone]"

"Thank you for informing me. Goodbye Nako ssi." She waves back shyly and I went outside her room.

"Wait, how many patients did this hospital have?" I said while trying to remember back the number of patients in this hospital.

"Ah right. 12 people. So, including Nako it's been 8 patients that I've met. 4 more to go then." I continued my way to go to patient Hitomi's room.


Name: Yabuki Nako

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Name: Yabuki Nako

Illness: Bipolar Disorder (BD)

Cure: ???

- Nako HAS a super-serious series of mood swings. Her tone would change every time she speaks. And also it seems that she and Hitomi are best friends. I wonder if all 12 of them hang out with each other in this hospital. But Eunbi said that all 12 of them are her friends. Well other than that, I think that Nako's illness will be hard to handle just like Minju's illness.

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