Synopsis | Choi Yena

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"This is... Choi Yena. But where is she?" I asked myself because Yena wasn't in her room. The room itself reeked of multiple scents including vomit, blood, and alcohol. So it was obvious what her condition was. I can assume that Yena is an alcoholic.

But even if she is one, that doesn't answer my question. Where could this girl be?

I walked out into the hallway and of course, all I saw were 'doctors' lounging around with their coworkers. Though it was lunchtime now, so I have to forgive them A LITTLE for that. Even so, I'm not taking any breaks right now.

"Excuse me do you know where patient Choi Yena is? She's not in her room." I asked the cafeteria lady.

"Oh, Yena? She's in her usual spot."

"Usual spot?"

"Oh, are you new? Sorry about that. Anyway, Yena's not the social type so she doesn't like to hang out in her room during the days, so she's usually out in the garden. Doing her usual routine." I raised my eyebrow, intrigued with how this cafeteria woman was more useful than some of the workers here.

"What's her normal routine and what was that about her being antisocial?" I needed to know more because I didn't expect the alcoholic one to be a loner type.

"Sorry can't answer that now, gotta serve lunch. Have a nice day!~"

"Thank you." Garden, here I come...


"Choi Yena ssi! Are you here? Choi Yena ssi!" I called, now I was in the backyard of the hospital. Which was very well taken care of.


Suddenly I rushed towards the sound of a glass break. Once I got there, there was a woman on the floor. Her hospital gown was a mess and it peered over her shoulder blade. The smell of alcohol leads my eyes to a barely empty bottle...

...she's definitely drunk.

"Alright, let's get you to bed..." But before I could lift her, she smacked my head and quickly bounced up on her feet.

"Who are you?" What? She wasn't drunk...

"I'm Hwang Y/n, your new doctor."

"Oh cool. I'm Yena by the way...bye!"

"Hey wait, don't walk away." I grabbed her arm. She turned to me with her lips pouty and tilted her head.

"Why are you outside?" I asked.

"I'm just enjoying the fresh air." She quickly answered.

"Now can you let me go, please? I need to finish my work."

"Your work?"

"Yep yep yep, I'm helping Miss Koo with finishing her garden. I was walking to the shed until I tripped on that alcohol bottle."

...something doesn't sound right.

"Here, let me help you then." I offered.


I walked to a shed and immediately walked inside to find all the garden tool supplies scattered on the ground, I was about to start cleaning until I realized that Yena didn't come with me.



Suddenly the doors slammed shut locking me inside. From the window above the door, I could see Yena laughing hysterically as she took a swing of vodka.

Dammit, she lied to me!

"Oooooooh you're so easily gullible!" She said.

"Good luck getting out Mr. Doctor Man-"


"What was that?" Yeah, I just broke the doors but do I give a damn? No.

"Uh-Uhm... gotta run!"

Yena began running away in her oversized hospital gown, almost tripping as she ran. However, she was still faster than me. She must've been an athlete or something before she came here.

"Wait, come back! You might get hurt!" I called, but all she did was pull down on one of her eyelids and stick her tongue out whilst flipping me off. And did I mention that she was still holding the alcohol bottle?

Fortunately, I felt my catching up to the girl. But JUST when I was in the reach of grabbing a hold of her arm, she climbed over a fence as I crashed into it. Yena noticed that I was stuck and chuckled.

"Not so scary when you're on that side now, aren't you?" She mocked.

"Choi Yena, I just want to help you-"

"I've heard that multiple, Dr. Hwang."

"Huh?" She took another chug of vodka before looking at me again.

"People like you come and go, we've experienced it multiple times. They couldn't save us, so why should you try?" She then slowly began to back away.

"Don't leave, I'm not like the others, I'll help you!" I called... but it was too late for Yena was already sprinting into another part of the garden.



Name: Choi Yena

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Name: Choi Yena

Illness: Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)

Cure: ???

- Yena suffers from ASPD, meaning that she probably has little regard for others' safety. Not only that, but her personality also accepts the use of alcohol. Though it doesn't seem she gets drunk easily. Maybe she's been like this when she was younger, and most likely grown into a habit of betraying people once she became an adult. And now that she's escaped my sight, who knows when I'll find her next time.

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