Arranged Marriage?!

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I love my mother. I really do. Of course I do, but sometimes she says things that annoy me or she asks me to do things that I really do not want to do. It's never been anything that's so incredibly unreasonable it would ruin my life, so I usually abide by what she asks. Only once have I ever done something contradictory to what she asked of me and she has never let me forget it.

So yeah, I strive to be the good daughter that does what she's told.

This time, however, my mother has gone too far.

"I'm not marrying some random guy I've never met!" I yell, completely outraged that she would even suggest something so stupid. "I don't want to get married full stop!"

"Why?" she asks calmly.

"Why?! Where do I even begin..." I sigh in frustration, "It's not like I've been given an amazing image of marriage. Mum, every single friend you have is a woman who has been either cheated on or abandoned by their husband and don't even get me started on what dad did to you..."

I immediately feel bad as I see my mother's face drop. It's not like I intended to upset her, I just want to make her understand why marriage is not something I want for me. Having a single mother whose husband abandoned her, resulting in spiralling depression is a deal-breaker. Frankly, I don't see why I'm having to explain it. Surely she wouldn't want me to suffer as she did. Granted, she is a much stronger woman now and all her 'friends' became her friends because she helped them be stronger and move on from their unfortunate 'husband' situations, but still.

"Look mum, I just don't want to end up in the same situation as you," I sigh.

"You don't know that it will happen to you, Acecia," she reasons but I stand my ground.

"I don't know it won't happen," I counter, "why take the chance when I could save myself from all that crying and heartbreak. Marriage isn't a necessity, it's a choice."

"It won't be the same," she says sternly in an attempt to show some authority, "I'm picking your husband for you. My friends all had love marriages that didn't work out, at least if I choose for you, you won't be blinded by the blissful idea that marriage always ends perfectly."

"You had an arranged married," I deadpan. "And don't worry, no chance I'll ever think like that."

"Well my dad picked my husband," she says getting slightly annoyed, "and he didn't know the family well at all. I know Ryan's family very well."

"I won't be marrying the family, will I? I'll be marrying him, and you don't know him," I roll my eyes, "and running a law firm with someone doesn't mean you know them."

My mother is Cecile Lyle, a managing partner at Jett Lyle law firm. Axel Jett is the other managing partner and Ryan is his son. I've never met any of them. My mother was very insistent on me becoming a lawyer and she was extremely disappointed when I chose a different career path. For this reason, I have never been invited to any of the firm events. She'd only take my brother, who conceded to her constantly telling him to be a lawyer. Most of these 'events' happen either at the firm or at the Jett family house, which is why I never minded not receiving an invitation.

Who doesn't love having the house to themselves?

"Don't you take that tone with me, missy," she replies narrowing her eyes at me. I sigh for the tenth time. "You're being unreasonable, Acecia."

"It's not unreasonable to want to save yourself from a disastrous marriage," I quip.

"You don't know that it will be a disaster!" she yells, "you don't even know him..."

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