Got What I Came For

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The rest of the week flies by as I busy myself working, trying desperately hard to avoid Rafael. I am also trying hard to avoid googling my mother or the firm, to see what's going on. By the time Friday rolls around, I am much better at my responsibilities and Mason eases up his watch on me. He hasn't yet mentioned anything about training, which I am very grateful for. I wouldn't know how to explain what happened on Monday when we were supposed to train. Rafael can explain that.

I have noticed throughout the week, that he has attempted to speak to me, but every time he gets near me, I make up some rubbish excuse and basically sprint in the other direction. It must be massively clear to Mason that I am avoiding Rafael, but he hasn't commented on it.

One thing that's obvious about Mason is his tendency to let things slide when it comes to my weird behaviour. He just seems amused every time I do something strange, and rather than questioning it, he just makes a joke and carries on with his day. If the roles were reversed, I'd have at least twenty questions. And let's not forget that he hasn't asked anything about my past, even though he knows there's something I don't want to say. Although I have noticed he seems to know a lot more than he lets on, which worries me slightly. Whatever he knows, he hasn't pulled me up on it or said anything to any of the others so I'm not too worried.

It is just after lunchtime and I am setting up the sports hall for a yoga class, booked to last two hours. Rafael is carrying some water bottle crates in and setting them down to the left of the door, as I lay out the yoga mats on the floor. I am actually enjoying arranging them according to colour.

Yes, I know that it's not necessary, but I have already done it twice this week, and doing it according to colour is somewhat satisfying. Especially, when I finish and take a step back to look at the finished set-up. Smiling in satisfaction at my work, I check the time and then turn around to head back to the reception.

"Shit," I curse, as I accidentally bump into a very strong, toned body.

"Avoiding me all week, and now you're bumping into me?" Rafael says supporting an amused smile. Who knew Rafael smiles?

"It was an accident, sorry," I mumble, getting ready to escape.

Just I have done, a hundred times this week, I sprint off before either of us can say anything. He calls out my name from behind me, but I carry on going, causing his expression to change from one of amusement to one of annoyance. I notice it when I turn back to glance at him, but quickly turn away before he catches me watching.

A few minutes later the yoga class arrives, throwing a quick hello at me before heading straight for the changing rooms. Rafael joins me at the desk so almost immediately, I stand up and head back into the gym. After making sure the class is happy and has gotten started, I start cleaning up in the gym. I specifically take my time to do this, hoping to extend my time away from Rafael.

Eventually, I finish and realise it has taken me almost two hours to clean, albeit I did it very thoroughly. Realising that I have no choice, I reluctantly head back to the reception. When I get there, I find Mason speaking on the phone. I take a seat on the chair next to him, after peeping in to the office and wait for him to finish. As I am waiting Asher arrives, dressed to work. He winks at me, pulling me into a hug, asking how the day has been.

"Busy," I nod pulling away, "calmed down a bit when the yoga class came in."

Mason puts the phone down and stands up, looking at his phone. Asher sits down in his seat, and the two of us wait for him to speak, as the yoga class heads out.

"Something's up at the salon, I'm going to help Hazel and Zahlee," Mason tells us, "I need you two to handle everything here for a bit, it shouldn't take long."

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