Rendered Speechless

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Time Square was incredibly busy, but Rafael said that's what makes the experience. Whatever that means. We got home late that evening and watched TV until we nodded off. Since then he's been pretty quiet. Hasn't spoken to me much. Of course, I'm worried because I don't know why.

Or maybe it's just me overthinking everything.

It's been unusually busy all week, so we've all had plenty to keep us occupied. I found myself doing extra amounts of towel changes, cleaning and refilling the water coolers. On Friday, the rush subdues, and I finally have time to do the computer work. Asher has been in all week to help us out with the rush, when he's normally just in part-time. Hanging around with Asher has been a nice distraction from Rafael's strange behaviour and from the other elephant in the room.

"That's the fifth day this week and it's only Friday," Asher mumbles as I'm sending out the invoices.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, keeping my eyes trained on the screen.

"Who do you think?" he hisses, grabbing my attention. Looking at him confusedly, my eyes follow his gaze and land on a group of people standing in the car park. I start to feel incredibly annoyed as I stare at them as they stand around as if they own the place. They've turned up outside every single day this week. On Monday we were all on edge thinking they were going to come in and cause a problem but in a shocking turn of events, they left when we closed up. They did the dame on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday too.

Don't these people have a life that doesn't include tormenting Evan?

Zahlee thinks they're planning something, but I have a feeling they're not the only ones. Evan hasn't commented on their outlandish actions, which tells me he's thinking of a plan too. Although, he isn't one to be pushed so I haven't questioned him. I'm sure he'll fill us all in when he's thought about it thoroughly enough. He isn't the type of person who likes to leave things to chance.

"Think they'll come in this time?" I ask, not taking my eyes off them. Muttering between themselves, they are looking between each other and then through the glass doors at us.

"Who knows what those psychopaths are going to do?" Asher growls lowly. "I'll let the guys know."

He wanders off to find Rafael and I step into the office to tell Mason, who looks understandably angry. Repeating my question to him, he gives me the same answer and I sigh. I hate uncertainty. Recognising the look on my face, he tells me not to sweat it and the two of us get back to work, trying hard to ignore their presence.

Imagine having all that free time. Being stood outside the gym belonging to people you hate, every day for a week. When you think about it, it's actually really twisted and kind of sad. It's as if they have no other responsibilities in life. Nothing else to do. Living to hate others is the most miserable life of all. I wonder if they even realise that.

Well, what do I know about their lives? They could be plotting to set the building on fire as well as take over the White House, for all I know.

Fingers snap in front of my eyes, yanking me out of my daze.

"You know, you always do that," Rafael says quietly, "zone out."

"It just happens sometimes," I shrug, starting to type on the computer again. He sighs sadly, resting his head on the back of the chair. "What's on your mind?" I ask carefully.

Laughing sarcastically, he replies, "If you could read my mind, I'm pretty sure you'd be traumatised for life." Although he's laughing, I feel a hint of sincerity in his words and my expression changes to one of concern.

"Are you okay?" I ask, subconsciously placing my hand on his. At first, he continues to glare at his lap bitterly, and then fixes his eyes on our entwined hands. Wiping away whatever dismal thoughts were in his mind, he smirks up at me,

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