Just Allow It

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"That was amazing," Rafael smiles in awe as we walk down the street.

"Me shouting at my dad?" I ask in surprise. Does he think that's amazing?

"I mean it was kind of hypocritical for him to go on about family values, after what he did to you and your family," he shrugs cautiously. "No offence!"

"Don't worry, none taken," I reply with a crooked smile.

"I could never stand up to my dad like that," Rafael groans. An annoyed expression takes over his face, making my heartache for him. His dad doesn't seem like the nicest man but out of respect for the fact that he's his dad, he doesn't say anything. Too bad my dad lost my respect a long time ago.

"You're being a respectful son, that's much better than what I did back there," I say comfortingly.

"It's not out of respect," he scoffs immediately, "it's out of fear that he'll retaliate in a worse way."

I remember what Rafael told me about his dad. He said he wasn't the best of people when drunk, which apparently was a common occurrence because he never accepted his drinking problem. Assuming he means his dad was abusive, worry washes over me, so I slide my hand into his and gently squeeze it. Glancing down at our hands, he looks back at me and gives me a small smile.

"Must have felt good though," he changes the topic of conversation back to me, "to finally let all those emotions you feel about him loose."

"Honestly, I feel a little guilty," I chuckle sadly, "he's my dad at the end of the day albeit a shit one. Maybe I shouldn't have spoken to him like that."

I'm taken aback when he blows a raspberry in my ear. Turning to look at him like he's a mad man, I furrow my brows in confusion as I notice his eyes are watching me intensely.

"He left you," Rafael comments, "he's an ass."

It's happening again. Butterflies erupt in my stomach, as his gaze lingers on me. Our bodies are so close I can feel the heat radiating off him, and my breath hitches in my throat. We're no longer walking, but I wish we were because I start feeling anxious. Standing at the bottom of Mason's street, all we can hear is each other's slow breathing. I remember what Mason said about not making it work when you've got secrets. When he leans forward, I panic and continue to walk.

It takes him a few moments to recover, but when he does, he follows and falls into step with me.

As we walk, my mind goes back to the gym and I think about Evan's revelation. So, if I've followed it correctly, which I'm sure I have, Evan is the younger of the two. His dad died and his mother got back with Joe's dad, who's apparently abusive. She also treats Joe like a baby and overlooks everything he does.

Poor woman. Got such a horrible taste in men.

"What are you thinking about?" Rafael asks, snapping out of my mental-detective-ing.

"Evan and all the stuff he said in there," I reply, "you know I had a load of different theories in my head about what the truth was, but I didn't think it was that."

He cocks his head to the side confusedly as if he doesn't quite understand, so I continue, "I guess I'm just a bit disappointed, I mean I thought it was going to be some big horrible thing. Not that it isn't horrible, because it so is. I just wasn't expecting that."

Rafael smiles knowingly and looks at the ground. My eyes go wide in realisation, "that isn't the whole story, is it?"

He shakes his head, as a proud smile spreads across his face, "nicely deduced."

"Seriously? How much more could there be?" I sigh exasperatedly. Grabbing his hand again, I stop him from walking any further and make him face me. "Will you tell me the rest of the story, or do I have to work it out for myself?"

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