They Hate You As Much As I Do

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"What did you just say?" Rafael echoes.

As Blake opens his mouth, Mason snarls, "no-one gives a flying..!"

"Her name isn't Hope, it's Acecia Lyle," Blake repeats himself, "I haven't quite figured out why you're using a fake name yet, but I'll get there."

I'm trying hard not to march over to Blake and beat him to a pulp, but not because I'm angry. Shock is more the word. How is it possible that he and Joe figured out who I am? For the past few months, I've done everything I can to keep it a secret. As much as I hate to admit it, I was enjoying being Hope Lynn. She's better than Acecia Lyle. Hope is daring, fun, driven and most importantly, she's loved by a group of people she adores. Acecia is an introverted, hermit who's promised in matrimony to a boy she's never met, who's mother wants to control how much times she breathes in a day, who's brother doesn't care about her and who's dad cared so little he left and remarried.

My heart drops in my chest as I realise the jig is up. There's no way I can lie my way out of this. Everyone turns to look at me for a reaction and my astounded face is confirmation enough of what Blake is saying. Hazel, Asher, Zahlee and Evan look surprised, but not angry. Mason doesn't even look phased, as he turns back to Blake with a murderous look.

Rafael's hand drops out of mine, and he looks like he's seen a ghost. It's the exact moment I was feeling worried and guilty about. But before I can process, my mouth takes over.

"Good luck with that!" I snap furiously, "so I don't use my real name? So what? Don't think you're clever because you worked that one out. A 5-year-old could do that."

"Oh really? Then why didn't any of them?" he raises an eyebrow.

"Because we don't really care what her name is or isn't," Zahlee spits, standing by my side. "She probably had her reasons and we're not holding that against her."

"And you're not even curious as to what they are?" Blake asks in surprise.

"Couldn't be less bothered if I tried," Evan scoffs, "if this is your way of trying to tear us apart, then we've got nothing to worry about."

"I've had enough!" Mason yells, taking charge. He turns to Blake and hisses, "you're trespassing, so get the hell off my property, before I kick your ass."

Without wasting a second, Blake lunges at Mason and tackles him to the ground. Evan and Asher leap into action but Rafael is still standing there like he can't believe what's happening. Mason quickly gains the upper hand and starts continuously punching Blake's face. Blood goes flying everywhere and it's not until Noah and Dom, who were sitting in the car, yell 'officers, over here', that I realise what's happening.

Luckily the boys click on too, and attempt to pull Mason off but it's no use. The police officers speed over, drag Mason off Blake and slap him in handcuffs. Ordering the rest of us to leave, they shove Mason in their car. Blake smiles victoriously through bloodied teeth and I notice Mason knocked out two of his teeth.

"Put them away before I knock the rest out!" Asher snarls. Blake whispers something that I don't catch and the next thing you know, Asher punches Blake and then gets arrested too.

"You don't have to worry about him officers, he's harmless," Blake chuckles in pain and I have to resist the urge to smack him.

I hear Zahlee mutter something incoherent and then storm up to Blake despite Evan's protests. She gets real close and then says, "is he? Really? Is this harmless?" And then she knees him in his crotch.

"Right! You're under arrest too!" The police officer growls.

Struggling to keep up with how quickly this has escalated, I turn to Hazel and I can see she's thinking the exact same thing. Immediately the two of us each grab one of Evan's arms to stop him from getting arrested too. Rafael still hasn't moved.

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