Food Is The Real Way To Forgiveness

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Throwing some new towels into the cupboards, I take the dirty, disregarded towels into the storage room and throw them in the laundry. The towels I take out of the laundry go into the dryer and I turn both machines on before picking up a new tub of water for the water cooler. Replacing the nearly empty tub with the full one, I take it out to the bin and then return inside and sit down at reception as the cue for non-members grows.

It's been a few weeks since I faced all my problems head-on and started fresh. Making good on my promise to Mason, I've been working in the gym full time having decided not to go back into pharmacy just yet. Asher has been working alongside me and between the three of us, we've been expertly handling the unexpected rush of gym users.

After confronting my dad that night, Evan took me back to Mason's and I spent the rest of the night talking to the girls about everything. I explained everything about the life of Acecia Lyle and how she came to be Hope Lynn. They were supportive of my past, not judging a single one of my decisions, which surprised me because I'm sure the things I've been through are nothing compared to what they've been through. In all honesty, I still don't know what they have been through but I know one day when they're ready, they'll tell me.

They also respect my decision to stay at home with my mom, which I was grateful for. Mason's been hounding me about how his house will never be the same again. When I told them about my dad and Evan's mom, they were shocked, to say the least. Zahlee more than Hazel. It took her ten minutes to process that Evan's mom married my dad, in the same year we coincidentally met. I mean when she puts it like that, it is mental.

I've been avoiding Ryan ever since that night. At first, he seemed unbothered, but apparently, he was trying to give me space, according to Asher. All that seems to be over now. For the past few days, he's been calling and texting relentlessly, trying to get me to talk to him. Eventually, I'm sure I will but I'm not quite ready for that just yet.

Ryan has also gone back to his normal life. He's living back at home and working part-time at the firm and part-time at the gym. Needless to say, whenever he's here, I make a point not to be, although that's proved pretty difficult this week. He comes early and stays late, in an attempt to run into me. Luckily he hasn't had the courage to turn up at my house to talk to me. God knows, it will give my mother heart failure to see him standing on our doorstep asking for me.

I'd deny it if anyone asked but I've been worried about him too. With everything he told me about his dad, and now knowing that his dad is Axel, you can't exactly blame a girl. I still remember hearing him hit Amy that night, and now to know he's Ryan's dad... yeah, I am pretty worried.

My anger at what he said to me has worn off but I'm still pretty mad at him. Although I don't agree with the way he handled it, I'm starting to be more understanding of why he did it. Both our parent's marriages have affected us in ways beyond explanation. When we do talk eventually, I think we'll both be much more understanding.

I told my mom and Caleb about my dad a few days after I went to speak to him. Even though I really wanted someone from the group with me, I told them myself and their reactions were surprising but made me feel relieved. Caleb rolled his eyes, said it was typical but that he was fine. Mum kind of had the same reaction but her words were 'good for him, I hope he doesn't screw it up this time'.

Honestly, I was a little jealous at how well they took it compared to how I took it but then I remembered that we tend to hold things in and deal with them our own ways. So, even though I said I believed them, I've been keeping an eye on them. Just in case. Family is the most important thing and we need to have each other's back. If I've learnt anything this year, it's that.

"Ace," Asher calls, approaching me from the hall, "beat the rush?" I nod as he sits down and hand him a bottle of water. "So guess who's going to be Evan's best man?"

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