Haven't Figured It Out

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As the next few days pass by, I go to extreme lengths to avoid Rafael. If he's in the gym, then I'm in the hospital with Asher. I may or may not have accidentally on purpose let it slip to Mason about how Asher should have someone with him at all times. Conveniently this works out in my favour. Either Rafael is with him, or I am, and then during the night Hazel or Zahlee take turns staying with him.

By the time Thursday comes around, I feel like an expert in avoiding undesirables. Except for breakfast in the morning, I have successfully avoided him, with minimum conversation time. Thankfully. It's around half eleven and I am working my shift at the gym.

"Getting pretty good at this, aren't you," Evan smiles, as I do the towel changes.

"I'm a fast learner, no big deal," I brag. Mason has asked him to help out with Asher still in the hospital, and Rafael and I taking turns to stay with him.

"How's your arm?" he asks nervously. Just like I predicted, Evan feels like what happened the other day is his fault, even though I've told him a million times that it isn't. Both he and Mason have tirelessly asked me how I'm doing all week, and I'm contemplating tattooing 'I'm fine' on my forehead. Their concern is actually really sweet, but it's not necessary. Asher is the one they should focus on. He was the one who got stabbed.

"It's fine," I smile back, "getting better every day."

"That's good," he replies, looking relieved.

"I know I've said this before but I feel like I should say it again," I add, "it's not your fault."

"What? No! I wasn't thinking that," he defends lamely, and I smirk.

"Don't worry, being concerned doesn't make you any less tough," I tease, and he scoffs, struggling to hide his smile.

"You off after lunch?" he asks closing the back cover of one of the machines he just serviced.

"Yeah, my turn to sit with Asher," I nod, shutting the storage door.

"Raf rang earlier," he informs me, "apparently if Asher's tests go well this afternoon, he'll be good to come home."

"That's brilliant news," I smile happily at the thought of Asher being well enough to get back to normal.

We continue working in silence and then we have lunch in the office. It's the first time Evan and I have ever been on our own, and the big question is constantly on my mind.

Should I ask him?

What if he gets defensive and angry? Angry Evan is terrifying.

Stop being a wimp, Acecia, just ask.

But it's nosy and none of my business. I have no right.

"What's going on in that mind of yours, Hope?" Evan snaps me out of my thoughts. "You look like you don't know whether you want to murder that sandwich or give it a loving home."

Looking down at the sandwich between my finger, I realise how tightly I'm holding on to it. I shake my head and loosen my grip, laughing at myself.

"Erm nothing," I sigh, ultimately decided not to ask.

"I've literally known you for just over two weeks, and yet every time you say nothing, it's always followed by something," he snickers, so I playfully shove him. "Come on, whatever it is, I want to know."

"What's the deal with you and Joe?" I ask carefully. His smile slips from his face and he gets tense, immediately making me regret asking. Silence descends upon us, and I start to get uncomfortable.

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