Do You Trust Me?

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The boys are all stood around the reception desk with serious expressions, so the light-hearted teasing that the girls were giving me, disintegrates as we approach. Panicking for a moment, I peer out of the window to see if Joe and company are still prowling around, but luckily they have gone. My mind whirls with possibilities of what Evan could be about to tell us.

"So, I've figured out what we're going to do about the asshole that's haunting us every waking moment of every day," Evan says in full seriousness. Furrowing my eyebrows in amusement, I bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing at his dramatic statement. I can feel Zahlee shaking beside me trying not to be rude by laughing, but apparently Hazel didn't get the memo. She bursts out laughing and all the boys turn to look at her questioningly. When she finally calms down, she shakes her head apologetically, motioning for him to continue.

"As I was saying," he continues giving her a weird look, "I know how we can find out where he stashes his drugs."

He explains that Joe and the rest keep turning up this week because we haven't retaliated after they set Mason up. Apparently, their paranoia is getting the better of them. I can't help but smile at that, and I don't seem to be the only one.

Evan then tells us how he knows they're going to turn up tomorrow, just like they have every other day this week. Only this time, he and Mason will lure them in. As paranoid as they are, he expects they'll come rushing, in relief that we're reacting, and they don't have to watch their backs.

"The girls, Mason and I will keep them occupied, whilst Ash checks out Joe's garage, Raf and Hope head over to his flat, both of you looking for where he keeps the drugs," he says. "I'm 100% sure they'll be in one place or the other because no way does he trust anywhere other than the two places right in front of him. When one of you finds them, text the other and then leave straight away and head back here. After that... well, you know what we'll do."

"Why am I going to the flat and Hope and Raf going to the garage? Doesn't it make sense for us all to go to both places?" Asher asks.

"No, we don't know how long we'll be able to keep them here, without getting into a fight," Mason nods.

"And, we're not risking that with the girls here," Evan insists, "I know you girls said it's your fight too, but you know how we feel about getting you mixed up in the crossfire."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I finally ask. This isn't their usual style.

Evan smiles in confusion, "I thought this is what you'd prefer, rather than us just going to beat their sorry asses."

Everyone laughs in agreement and I prepare to defend myself, "I was just saying what I would do. I don't want you to do this just because I'm too chicken to go with the way you guys like to handle things."

"It's not just that," Evan replies, "I mean you are right it's not how we've always handled things, but I guess recently I've just been thinking about everything... I just don't want to live life always looking over my shoulder, wondering when that jerk is going to strike again. You're way gets rid of him completely."

Shock is evident on all our faces as we listen intently to what he just said. Even Zahlee looks surprised.

"What's got you thinking so deeply into it?" I then ask, "it can't be just what I said."

"It's not," he shakes his head, "but honestly it doesn't matter. Do I hate the legal system? Heck yes. Do I think this is a waste of time? Maybe a little. But I see it ending in two ways. One: they arrest him and he goes to jail. Or two: they claim inconclusive evidence and he gets off, but I still get the satisfaction of getting him back for what he did to Mase."

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