Tear Your Family Apart

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Three fleeting figures catch our attention. Rafael and Asher, who are both on either side of me, tense up and start to run after them. From Zahlee and Hazel's protests, I can tell Mason and Evan do the same. The girls and I immediately stand in their way, trying to convince them not to do something stupid. Zahlee whispers something to Evan and he starts to relax, and Hazel calms both her brother and her boyfriend. Placing my hands on Rafael's chest, I plead for him to stay put and I feel his anger disappear as he tries to slow his breathing.

"Hey!" yells a voice from the front of the building. Spinning around to see who it is, all the blood drains from my face as I realise who it is. Cops.

"Shit," Mason curses. Looking at the rock and then at the smashed window, I realise how this must look and immediately start panicking.

"It wasn't us!" I state slowly, "let's just tell him that."

A few more officers start racing towards us and we all see red. Spinning on our heels we take off in the opposite direction, trying to put some distance between us and the officers. Out of the side alleyway and behind the buildings we keep running, even as the shouts from the officers grow quieter.

Slowing down, as we reach the car park, the boys scan the area for the slightest threat. I'm glued to Rafael's side, trembling with terror. Evan suggests splitting up because they'll be looking for us as a group. At first, the girls and I protest. If we split up, we won't be able to look out for each other. One of us could get caught and no-one else would know.

After some persuading, we realise it's probably for the best if we split because they're looking for us in a group and if we split up they won't recognise us.

"Hey, you! Stop right there!"

Darting off into the darkness, we stay together until the footsteps behind us are barely audible and then we break off. Evan and Zahlee, me and Rafael, and Asher, Mason and Hazel. Heading in three separate directions, we arrange to meet back at the house as soon as we can. I silently pray that we don't get caught, because we finally just got rid of the crazies and I want to just spend some time with them all without the drama.

My thoughts wander back to the window and a shiver runs down my spine. "It was them wasn't it."

Rafael's face looks grim and anger is strongly radiating off him, but I appreciate that he's attempting to stay calm. "Probably."

I sigh as we slow into a walk after we get far enough away from the crime scene. So much for spending time with them like normal people. Joe's crazy sidekicks are still hellbent on killing us.

Rafael proposes we go back to get the car. I look at him like he's a mad man, so he chuckles despite the situation and explains no-one will expect us to go back so soon. Seems reasonable to me. He knows what he's talking about so I trust his judgement. I just want to get back to the safety of Mason's house.

On our way out of the alleyway, we ran into, just as we get back to the main street a group of men in SUV's slowly drive past as if searching for someone. My heart drops in my chest and I start to panic when I recognise who they are. They're the men I saw that night at Axel Jett's party when I was supposed to meet Ryan Jett. Must still be looking for him.

I panic more as I realise they could recognise me too. Sure, it's dark and my new hair has stopped my own brother from recognising me on his weekly trips to the gym but these men are paid to read people. One look at me and they'll know exactly who I am. What's worse is I can't even tell Rafael we should hide because he'll start asking questions again.

I'm done for.

Rafael's eyes land on them and I expect he won't even be phased but he darts to the side of the alleyway and pulls me with him. We crouch down behind a bin and wait for the car to pass. Although I'm relieved, I'm confused as to why he's hiding. Shooting him a questioning look he explains, "Undercover police."

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