Wouldn't Want To Be Him

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Evan storms through the door half an hour after the police brutally dragged Mason out and shoved him into the car. Zahlee is close behind him, looking completely nerve stricken. Hazel is absolutely beside herself, whilst Asher and I try to calm her down and make sense of what just happened. Rafael is just staring at the place where they arrested Mason.

"What the hell happened?" Zahlee demands. I've seen her angry before, but this is different. It's almost as if this is a fit of anger she is putting on for show and behind it, she is actually very worried and a little scared. If the police officers had come for Mason when she was here, they may have had to take her away in handcuffs too.

"They came in looking for drugs," Asher tells her, "they didn't have a warrant but Mason didn't think he had anything to hide, so he let them in anyway, but..."

"But what?" Evan asks giving his full attention.

"But they found some in the men's toilets."

Evan storms into the men's changing rooms and Zahlee looks baffled. "What drug?" she asks.

"We don't even know," I reply, "They took whatever they found and didn't actually say what it was."

"You didn't ask them?"

"Shock will do that to you."

"I can't find anything in there," Evan huffs frustratedly walking back to us.

"They took it with them," I shake my head helplessly.

"Guys, what are we going to do," Hazel whispers. "We have to help him."

"We need to find out who put them there in the first place," Zahlee asserts.

"Or we could find out who tipped the police off," Asher suggests, "I mean it'd be the same person, right?"

"It'll be a lot harder to find that out," Zahlee reasons.

"Yeah but, finding out who put it there could take weeks," Asher disputes.

"We don't have weeks," Hazel sighs, rubbing her eyes.

"We'll do both," Evan says taking charge, "but first we need to help Mason get out of there."

"Yeah," Rafael pipes up in agreement. His voice makes me jump, as his silence made me forget he was standing there. "Just because they found drugs here, they can't actually charge him for it. It's a public place, and just because he owns it, it doesn't make him guilty. Legally, at this point, all they can do is take him in for questioning."

Hazel stands up in hopefulness, "so how long would that take?"

"24 hours max," Rafael replies, "after that they let him go, but we're still under investigation."

Evan straightens up, "Ash and Hazel, you both go down to the station, to wait for Mason and so you can try to find out who put in that complaint. Z, you and I are going to take a look at that CCTV and try to find out who planted that there."

"What about us?" I ask, referring to Rafael and me.

"You need to keep all of his work here going," he instructs, "he doesn't lose any business over this bullshit." Something in his tone tells me he has an idea, who's fault this is but he doesn't want to say until he's got proof.

Everyone nods in understanding, and we all get to it. Hazel drives herself and Asher to the station, Evan and Zahlee take off in Evan's car, and Rafael and I close up the gym and head home.

"You've been quiet," I say to him, as we get in.

"I was thinking about Mason," he sighs, "thinking about who could have done this to him."

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