I Wouldn't Lie To You

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What's one of the best things about having a job? The days off, of course. Opening my eyes on Sunday morning, I sigh happily in content. A whole day to sit at the house and watch Netflix. Yes, please. Rolling out of bed at half nine, I smirk at my alarm clock as if I've finally got the one up, by waking up so many hours later than usual.

"Why are you looking at your clock like that?" a voice asks from the doorway. Asher. And Rafael is stood next to him. They're both watching me with amused expressions.

"No reason," I reply as my cheeks heat up, "why are you always catching me in my weird moments?"

"You're cute when you're weird," Asher shrugs with a wink, as Rafael glances between the two of us with a perplexed look.

"Why are you here, anyway? Shouldn't you be working?" I ask, ignoring his previous comment but still smiling.

"I came to pick up some papers," he tells me, holding up the papers for me to see. Peering at his watch, he says bye to both of us and dashes out of the house.

As soon as he leaves, I leap out of bed and quickly shut the bedroom door before Rafael can say anything. I hear him protest from the other side of the door but don't bother to answer. Running a brush through my hair, I wait for a couple of minutes before sneaking downstairs to have some breakfast.

Being extra cautious not to make too much noise, I don't put anything on the TV straight away. Instead, I stay in the kitchen eating in silence, resolving to start my Netflix marathon after Rafael heads back to the gym. I wonder what he's still doing here. Surely, he should be leaving any minute now.

"Avoiding me, are we?" his voice calls out from behind me. It takes me by surprise, and I jump slightly, knocking against the table and sending my toast tumbling to the ground.

"Why are you always sneaking up on me?" I sigh exasperatedly, looking sadly at my ruined slice of toast and the jam stain on the floor.

"Sorry Hope," he scratches the back of his head sheepishly. Picking up my ruined breakfast, he cleans up the mess and then makes me a fresh breakfast.

Watching him in confusion, I blurt, "what are you doing?"

"Making something I haven't made in a long time," he winks, before turning his focus to the masses of ingredients he's piled onto the counter.

"A full English breakfast?" I ask unbelievingly, with a small smile.

"Yeah," he nods and analyses my response. "You must have had it before?"

"Not in a long time," I admit.

He takes a good look at me, as the wheels in his head turn and then he gives me a dashing smile before he starts to cook. I stand awkwardly by the dining table not knowing what I should do. Does he want me to help him, or should I just go and wait for him to finish?

"Do us a favour Hope," his voice pulls me out of my daze, "could you squeeze some orange juice for the two of us?"

"Sure," I shrug, relieved to have something to do. "Erm Rafael?" Turning his head to look at me, to let me know I have his attention, he gives me a questioning nod. "Why aren't you at work?" I ask, and he smiles amusedly.

"Because you and I have the day off," he says, taking me by surprise.

Eh? Since when did we both have the same days off?

"You can be really slow sometimes," he shakes his head, making my cheeks heat up.

"And that surprises you?" I raise an eyebrow, "and did I say that out loud?"

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