Tying You Together

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We pull up in front of Mason's house and go inside.

"Hey," Rafael says, pulling me back towards him by our entwined hands, "are you okay? Like... actually okay?"

"No," I reply honestly, "no, I'm not. That's the most terrified I've ever been in my whole life."

"But you did it, and you got out safely," he reminds me, attempting to reassure me.

"We did," I correct him, taking in a deep breath to calm myself down. "And I've never felt so thrilled before. Hate to say it but I'm actually really happy we did that."

Giving me a crooked smile, he winks at me and then opens the front door for me, letting my hand go in the process. Everyone is sitting inside bickering among themselves when we arrive. Their heads turn to look at us immediately and they stand up in relief.

"Oh my god, what the hell took you so long?" Zahlee demands as she gets up to examine our states. They all mutter their similar questions, whilst giving us both the once over. Telling them exactly what happened from the moment Evan's mom arrived, we express our concern about how we almost caught and how we got out.

"Sounds terrifying," Hazel nudges me teasingly. I give her an incredulous look.

Girl, you have no idea.

Rafael then tells them that although the apartment reeked of weed, there wasn't anything there. They inform us that Asher found a shit tonne of it in his garage. All of it is hidden in the couch, with some of it hidden underneath. Asher said they arrived just as he left and he only just escaped without being seen.

"So... what happens now?" I ask after a few minutes.

"We do what we planned," Asher states, nodding his head unsurely.

"Who's going to do it?" Hazel questions her brother.

Slowly, one by one, we all turn our heads to Evan. His eyes are focused on the floor as if he doesn't know if he should follow up on the plan or not. It isn't until we're all looking at him, that he stands up straight and pulls his phone out of his pocket, "I'll do it."

Zahlee gives him a cynical look, noticing how he doesn't seem sure. Comfortingly placing her hand on his, she leads him into the kitchen to speak to him privately. The rest of us stare at their retreating figures until they shut the door behind them and we all turn back to each other.

"Think he's okay?" Asher ponders out loud.

"He's not sure if he should do it," Rafael analyses, looking back at the kitchen door. "No matter the situation, calling the cops on your own blood is a big decision."

"I thought he doesn't see Joe as family," I say in confusion.

"Maybe not," Mason replies, "you can cut off family, but the blood relation will always be there, tying you together. You can never change that, whether you see them as family or not."

"I've never seen him so unsure," I mumble, averting my gaze.

"Neither have I," Hazel sighs.

A couple of minutes later, Zahlee and Evan return. Evan nods to us and dials 911, with his other hand placed firmly in Zahlee's. I don't realise I am holding my breath until he hangs up and sighs.

Mason puts his hand on his shoulder, "you good?"

"Yeah," he answers, with an underlying tone of disappointment. "I never really expected it would come to this. I figured he'd see sense and get over his vendetta, but he didn't, and now... well, it's done now anyway."

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