Ryan Jett

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Light pierces through the blinds, making me squint as I open my eyes slowly. For a minute I forget where I am, but after rubbing my eyes it all floods back. The ache inside me is gnawing away at my heart, but I try to ignore it and check my clock.


I must have nodded off and not realised. Rubbing my eyes again, memories of what happened before I fell asleep come rushing back.

It'd been an hour since my mom and brother left and I was starting to really panic. Replacing my new SIM with my old one, I ignored all the notifications I got when I turned my phone on and left messages with my mother and Caleb asking what's going on.

Just as I hit send I heard the front door open and close. Discarding my phone on my bed I rushed downstairs for the verdict. A very tired looking mom and son were standing in the doorway, stripping off their coats and shoes. When their eyes landed on me, they smiled widely and told me my friends were pardoned and out of custody. Letting out a sigh of relief, we fall into silence.

I could tell mom wanted to talk but the wrinkles by her eyes meant she was knackered, so I suggested we talk the next morning. She replied, "Acecia if I've learnt anything in life, it's that you shouldn't leave these things for later."

So, we talked. For a long time. Needless to say, there was a lot of crying and hugs and apologies and scolding but everything we'd both been feeling and thinking, literally poured out of us. I think I can honestly say, after that one conversation we are in a much better place. I finally understood her need to make decisions for me and she finally understood my need to make my own decisions.

Jumping out of bed I pad downstairs to an empty kitchen. A sticky note is on the fridge, with some words scribbled on it. Recognising Caleb's handwriting, I pull it off and read.

Mom and me at work. Didn't want to wake you. We were running late.

Scrunching the note up, I toss it in the bin and make myself something to eat. As I'm washing up after myself, I realise that they both must not have taken their lunch. Deciding to be a good daughter/sister for the first time in a while, I prepare lunch, pack it up and then leave the house.

As crazy as it sounds, I've never actually been to their law firm before. Usually, I only get as far as the door and then I'm off. So that's why it comes as no surprise that as soon as I enter the building, I stop in my tracks and realise, I have no idea where to go. Sliding to the side of the hallway I stop and recollect myself, deciding the best way to go about this. There's a security guard standing at the lifts, nodding at people who show him their ID cards and stopping people who don't.

Realising there's no way through, I sigh in defeat and pat my pocket for my phone.

"Acecia?" says a dainty voice, which sounds a little familiar. Looking up, my eyes meet some warm brown ones as she smiles.

"Mrs Jett," I smile back politely and her smile widens at my recognition.

"Lovely to see you, dear, it's been a while," she says, "I like what you've done with your hair, are you here to see your mother?"

Silently thanking my lucky stars she turned up when she did, I nod firmly, "yes, only I don't think security will let me past."

"Just come along with me dear," she winks motioning for me to follow her. I do as she says and hold my breath as we approach security. The man recognises her and then gives me a sceptical look. Amy speaks, "she's with me. She's Cecile's daughter."

He doesn't question her and allows her past. Letting out the breath I was holding, I thank her,
"Thank you, Mrs Jett."

"I believe last time we met I told you to call me Amy," she scolds me politely and I smile.

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