Never Met A Group Like This

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"Do you think we should take her to the hospital or something?" a voice says, "She's been out since we brought her here."

"Relax Hazel, she'll wake up eventually," another voice responds, "her cheek has a really bad bruise and judging from what you told me, I am sure her body is just as bad. She just needs rest."

"It was awful babe, you should have seen her last night," recounts the first.

"Luckily for that pervert, I wasn't. If I had been there, I would have skinned that loser alive!"

I open my eyes and come face to face with two girls. One of them has short brown hair that falls just above her shoulders. She has hazel eyes, long eyelashes and really nicely shaped eyebrows. Her pale complexion contrasts with her bold red lip gloss and she is dressed in black pants and a cream winter jumper.

The other has brown hair that falls below her shoulders. She has brown eyes, long eyelashes and a really well-defined nose. Her complexion is darker than the first girls and she has a faint beauty spot near the corner of her mouth. She is dressed in grey sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Where am I?" I groan slowly sitting up, feeling the pain spread through my abdomen. Their attention snaps back to me, as the first girl speaks and I recognise her as the girl from the night before.

"Hey," she smiles softly, "how's your head?"

"Erm..." I moan rubbing my head, "still hurts, but not as badly as it did last night." She hands me an ice pack and I thank her.

"It's for the bruise on your cheek," she says, "or the ones that you have on your stomach, whichever."

"I am so sorry," the other girl smiles, "she's smothering you and you don't even know who we are. My name is Zahlee and this is Hazel."

"You passed out last night after we found you and we didn't want to leave you out there, obviously, so we brought you back to... erm... well... Mason's house."


"He is one of the guys that saved you last night," Hazel explains. "Him and Evan."

I nod in response and say nothing else, as my head starts to buzz, and I squint tiredly. Zahlee gets up and leaves the room, whilst Hazel stands up to get me a water bottle.

Looking around the room I am sat in, I notice that it is very simplistic yet still warm and welcoming. There are three big sofas, each against a wall in the room and then on the fourth wall, there is a TV. There is a wooden table in the middle of the room, on which there is another ice pack and a mobile phone. The walls are painted a really nice shade of cream and in the corner of the room there is a small stand with a framed picture of Hazel and a guy, who I assume is Mason.

I take a gulp of water when Zahlee returns with the two guys from last night and two guys that I have never seen before. First thing I think when I see them is, DAMN.

They are all so handsome and good looking.

Like REALLY good looking.

For goodness sake, Acecia, FOCUS!

Knowing that I probably look like shit, I look down into my lap, so my brown hair falls over my face covering the giant bruise on my cheek. They all take a seat on the other two sofas in the room. Zahlee and Hazel take a seat on each side of me. I clutch the ice pack closer to my stomach feeling a little nervous.

"Hi, my name is Mason," introduces the tallest guy. "When we found you last night you were pretty banged up."

"You should have let me break him," the shorter guy mumbles and then looks at me in concern, "I'm Evan, how are you feeling?"

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