Just Keeps Getting Better

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"Mum!" I yell from down the landing, "I can't decide which dress to wear."

I hear some movement in the master bedroom and then footsteps coming towards my room.

"I know exactly what you should wear," she says smiling as she looks at the dresses all over my room. "It looks like an earthquake hit this place."

"Now who's being dramatic," I mumble. Luckily, she doesn't catch it. Walking around my room looking at all the dresses, she picks up a hanger with a baby pink, V-neck, chiffon gown and holds it up against me.

 Walking around my room looking at all the dresses, she picks up a hanger with a baby pink, V-neck, chiffon gown and holds it up against me

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"This one!" She nods firmly and I don't object. I don't really care, to be honest, I just want to go and get it over with. The quicker we leave the sooner we can return home. At least that's what I'm hoping. Handing me the hanger, she goes back to her room to get ready, leaving me to clean my room before getting ready myself.

After putting all the other clothes back in my closet, I start putting on some make-up. I keep it light as usual, sticking to the minimal foundation, pink eyeshadow, a little bit of mascara and nude lipstick. Noticing how the pink eyeshadow makes my blue eyes stand out, I smile and straighten my brown hair, leaving it parted down the middle. Slipping into my dress and sliding my feet into a pair of pale pink heels, I put my phone, keys and a tissue packet into a silver clutch and head down the stairs.

Caleb is already sat at the bottom of the stairs in a suit, minus the blazer.

"Living life in the dangerous lane?" I joke when I notice his blazer-less condition.

"I wear a blazer pretty much every day," he replies, "thought I'd give it a miss this time." I smile at him and he continues, "you look nice. Trying to impress?"

"As if," I snort dismissively. "It's my first time attending one of these 'events'," I emphasise the word, "I want to look my best. I am the daughter of one of the managing partners, you know."

"Whatever you say," he smirks, as my mother finally arrives downstairs, wearing an emerald green gown. "Looking beautiful mother."

She smiles widely and then ushers us out of the house and into Caleb's car. Taking a seat in the back, I pull out my phone and scroll through Twitter. I have no other social media. I mean when you don't really have any friends, what would you have other social media for. I am basically a hermit living in New York. My workplace is ten minutes away from my house and when I'm working, I go straight there and come straight back. Besides that, I don't leave my house unless it's very necessary. It's a sort of habit that I've had since I was young. My mother, being the dramatic, overprotective parent she is, never let me go out anywhere and as time went by, I began to prefer not leaving the house. As Caleb drives to the Jett residence, I try to pay attention to the route he takes, to figure out how far they live from us.

Just in case, you know.

Nine minutes and twenty-three seconds later, yes I counted, we pull up at a huge mansion, that looks double the size of our house.

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