Welcome Back To The Land of the Living

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"Some turn the sun off please," I moan, being able to practically feel the sun on my eyes, "it's too early to wake up."

"Sure, just let me have a word with God and see if he can sort that out for you," a voice says, making me giggle as I open my eyes. "I'll tell him he needs to delay the sunrise because you haven't had your beauty sleep."

Glancing at the hospital room I am in, the events of last night flood back and I sit up in a panic. It definitely isn't a good idea to sit up so fast, because as soon as I do my head spins so fast, Zahlee has to grab me and lay me back down. Muttering something about me needing to stay put, she runs off to find the nurse.

I'm currently laying in what seems to be a double room, judging on where the door is, however, the curtain is pulled so I'm not completely sure. Staring at the door impatiently, I wait for Zahlee to return so I can grill her about what happened and if Asher is okay. My heart is pounding at the thought of him being seriously hurt.

He was stabbed in his abdomen, of course he's seriously hurt.

Zahlee finally returns with a nurse by her side, and I burst with questions. The nurse starts taking observations as I watch my friend expectantly. She shakes her head, discretely motioning towards the nurse. Understanding what she means, I sit back and shut my mouth. After asking me six hundred questions of her own, the nurse smiles and leaves telling me she'll be back in a short while. As the door shuts, Zahlee spins around and begins rambling about what happened.

The ambulance arrived around fifteen minutes after Mason called it, and then the second one arrived around five minutes after that. One took Asher to the hospital as a high priority, and the other took me. The doctors stitched up my arm, examined my head and x-rayed my brain to check for any problems my fall may have caused. Luckily, there aren't any problems.

Again, I ask Zahlee about Asher when she fails to mention where he is. Apparently, last night Rafael and Hazel came to the hospital with both of us. Rafael left hours ago when Zahlee arrived to stay with Hazel. Asher was taken to the operating theatre immediately upon arrival and Hazel has been waiting for him to come back out ever since. Rafael was with her for a few hours and then he went home to get some sleep, so he swapped with Zahlee. Mason stayed to sort out the gym and Evan was sorting things out with the police.

The story we are giving is that the glass bottle smashed on the ground as we celebrated the good business week, and Asher and I slipped on the spilt wine, falling on the shards. Realistically speaking it sounds like rubbish, but it's a viable story so we're all sticking to it.

Not long after, the nurse returns to do another set of observations and then a police officer comes in to ask me what happened. I mentally thank God that Zahlee managed to tell me what our story is before the police officers arrival. Narrating the story to him, I notice his disbelieving expression and try to keep my face blank of emotion. I've never been good at lying. The words come out just fine, but my facial expressions betray me, inadvertently giving away the truth.

Although I must give myself some credit, my real identity hasn't been given away just yet. Maybe I'm not as bad as I think I am.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when the officer asks what my name is.

Shit. I spoke too soon.

If the officer goes back to the station and searches up my name on the records, nothing will come up, because technically Hope Lynn doesn't exist. Knowing full well I can't answer this question without dropping myself in it, I stupidly stare at his face, with my mouth open. I crease my eyebrows thinking of something to say when the nurse notices my face and asks if I'm okay. Telling her my head is pounding, I lay back on the bed to make it seem more believable. Thankfully the nurse believes this and asks the police officer to come back later.

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