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"I can explain," Ryan blurts out, much to the confusion of my brother and our parents. "Just give me five minutes and I'll explain everything."

Five minutes? What exactly does he think he can explain in five minutes? There's no explanation or apology in the universe that could make me understand what he did in five minutes.

Clenching my fist in anger I stand there in complete shock, not knowing how to respond. Do I scream? Do I sit down and pretend it's all okay? Do I punch him in his nose and run? Do I cry? Then all reasonability disappears from my brain and action takes over.

"Unbelievable!" I seethe. Wrapping my fingers around a glass of water on the table, I fling the water at his face, except I accidentally let the glass slip out of my grasp and the glass itself shatters against his nose.

"Acecia!" mom scolds, as she and everyone sat at the table stand up. Thankfully there aren't many people in the restaurant so I don't draw too much attention to us. "What is the matter with you?"

Ryan stands up looking guilty and opens his mouth to say something as his mom wipes the water off him. Luckily for him, the shattered glass didn't wound him. Before any words escape his mouth, I raise my hand signalling him to shut it, "Don't bother."

He starts walking towards my side of the table, but I'm not having any of it. Storming back over to the toilet corridor, I expect he is following behind so I make a b-line for a storage room and he follows me in.

"Talk fast because I'm trying really hard not to punch you right now," I spit and fold my arms expectantly.

"Okay, look I know I messed up..." he starts but I don't let him finish.

"Messed up?" I parrot. "Messed up?! Is that what you call being an absolute hypocrite?"

"Acecia just listen. I know I shouldn't have said all those things to you..." he tries again but my rage cuts him off.

"You're damn right you shouldn't have," I yell.

"Will you just let me speak?" he shouts desperately making me even angrier. Is he joking? Like is he actually for real?!

"I did let you speak," I exclaim, "last night when you found out who I was, and you insulted me like I was the scum of the earth. I let you talk then remember. You said all that shit to me about honesty and lies and all along you were doing the exact same thing. You have some bloody nerve, you know that?"

"Just let me explain Ho-Acecia," he pleads, admitting defeat but I'm too mad.

"What you said about us being a mistake," I say carefully, and I can tell he's about to protest, but I don't let him, "you're right. This should have never happened. I was right to think Ryan Jett wasn't to be trusted and you've just confirmed that."

"Please don't say that, look I'm sorry for what I said, I should never have said any of that to you especially since I basically had the same secret," he says quickly before I can interrupt again. "You and I were never a mistake, you honestly made me so happy. The shock of finding out who you were, took over and I was saying things I didn't mean. Please forgive me, I'm so unbelievably sorry."

As mean as it sounds, even though the regret is evident in his voice, I ignore what he says and instead reply, "and then there was that part about you never wanting to see me again. Well congratulations, you got your wish. I think what you did was weak and pathetic and I don't ever want to see you again."

With that, I spin on my heels and march out of the restaurant, feeling regret for giving Caleb back his car keys. Now I'll have to take a taxi. I hear a voice calling out from behind me so I dart into the first one I see and give him the address to my house and he drives off leaving a desperate-looking Raf... Ryan stranded at the hotel.

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