Bad Things Can Happen When You're Not Nice

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"He said what?"

"He said I had the same nose as one of the statues!" I exclaim furiously, as I thrust the dirty towels into the laundry.

"It can't have been that bad," Asher laughs. Giving him an incredulous look, I unlock my phone and show him a picture. "Okay, that's... that's pretty bad," he laughs, taking hold of my phone and having a better look.

"Exactly," I say, clicking the on-button.

"Did you give him hell?" Asher asks, picking up some clean, folded towels and handing them to me. We both take the towels out of the storeroom and into the changing rooms.

"Yeah, almost got us both kicked out," I smirk a little too widely. He gives me a proud nod, making me shake my head and drop the act, "no, of course, I didn't. I just whined the rest of the time we were there."

Despite the fact that it's Sunday, the gym is surprisingly busier than I thought it would be and Mason has asked Asher to help out. Mason is working in the office, Rafael is at reception and Asher and I are supervising and cleaning in the gym.

Yesterday after looking around the museum, Rafael and I got lunch and then returned to the gym. Since then the two of us haven't spoken. We had a good time and I felt like he started to warm up to me, but now I'm not so sure. Although he hasn't said anything to make me think otherwise, he hasn't said anything. Not a single word, from the second we stepped into the gym yesterday until now. It feels a little strange but in all honestly, I don't even know what normal is with him anyway.

He wears a scowl seventy-five percent of the time and is very difficult to read. Trusting people is a serious issue with him and he won't hesitate to shut down questions about his past. You never know where you stand with him, which makes building a friendship particularly difficult.

Take Asher for example. He's the golden boy, with the type of personality that makes hearts melt. Every time he sees me, his face lights up and he squeezes me in a tight, caring hug. Whenever Mason needs help, he doesn't have to ask Asher twice. Even on his day's off, he's more than ready to come and help. Hazel and Asher have basically raised themselves for a long time, judging by what Hazel told me, yet there isn't a single flaw in his attitude that would show that.

As Asher and I clean the gym, we play would you rather and his questions have me laughing too hard to clean properly. Occasionally, we stop to speak to the members, who need our help. Between helping the members and cleaning, he turns to me and asks something like 'would you rather have to announce to everyone whenever you have to fart or pee your pants daily?'. Of course, I'm laughing too hard to answer the question there and then, so he goes off to help someone and then comes back and gives me an expectant look. First I make him answer before I answer myself, as I still struggle to hold my laughter in.

We continue this until there are just four people left training. Asher is helping two women with their lower body workouts and I am putting the discarded weights back on the racks. Looking around the rest of the gym, I refill the water cooler and then head towards the reception wondering if there are any more people on their way in. I can't think why there would be, this late on a Sunday, but you never know.

Rafael is sitting there, holding a pen in his mouth looking deep in thought, as he stares out into the car park. He doesn't notice me as I pass him and pop my head into the office.

"Busy day," I smile coming in and sitting on the table.

"Eight new members, today," he nods happily. "It's been a good day considering what's gone on this week."

"Still can't figure out what he was doing here?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

"Guess, we'll just have to find out the hard way," he sighs trying to look okay about it but I can sense the bother in his voice.

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