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"Finally!" I express my happiness as the girls come in when there's just an hour left until closing. "The amount of scenarios I've thought of in my head about how he proposed, is probably slightly creepy."

Kicking Mason out of the office, we shut the door and the three of us sit in a huddle so we can talk. I think I'm grinning a bit too widely because the two of them take one look at my face and burst out laughing.

"What?" I ask in offence, "I really want to know, this is the best news I've ever heard!"

Zahlee laughs again and then starts telling the story as I listen in closely.

It was after they left Mason's house the night Evan's mum ambushed us in the gym. She asked him to drop her off at home but he said he wanted her to stay with him overnight, so instead, she picked up some things from home and then headed to his. It was obvious to her that everything that happened was bothering him even though he didn't want to show it. Opting to sleep on the couch, the two of them got ready for bed and then turned on Netflix.

When she laid on his chest she could hear his speeding heartbeat, which worried her. After an episode of Money Heist, she turned the TV off so she could talk it through with him properly. Of course, it wasn't surprising that he felt bad about everything he's had to put his mother through to get rid of Joe. Anyone else would feel the same.

Apparently, as they talked Evan got really emotional and said some beautifully romantic things to her, that she doesn't share. Those things are best left between them. Her eyes twinkle as she speaks, showing how sweet it must have been.

Then they made out.

"Ew!" Hazel and I sarcastically gag, just to tease her. Protesting shyly, she smacks us both before continuing.

While they were making out Evan pulled away a lot sooner than she thought he would. He said he wanted to show her something, so she eagerly nodded. Picking up the remote, they turned on the TV and played a saved video.

The video was a montage of the two of them from the moment they met until now. A collection of pictures and videos to show everything they'd overcome together. As the montage came to an end, Evan popped up on the screen. Virtual Evan began to explain a few of the many reasons he loves her.

As the video came to an end, virtual Evan asked Zahlee to marry him. Then the screen went blank and Zahlee turned to Evan but found that he wasn't next to her. Standing up, she turned her body around to find Evan on one knee, behind an arrangement of candles, shaped in a 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?'.

"Awww!" Hazel and I squeal simultaneously. Hazel grips one of Zahlee's arms and I grab the other, as the two of us excitedly tug on her arms.

"Oh my days! Girls stop, I need my arms!" Zahlee complains, forcibly pulling her arms out of our hands.

"Wait, hold on," I say, pulling her back in her seat when she tries to get up, "I'm not finished with my questions yet. So did you say yes straight away or milk it a little?" I ask eagerly awaiting her answer.

"Please tell me you milked it," Hazel snickers hopefully.

"Yeah, I totally milked it!" Zahlee drawls sarcastically, before giving us both incredulous looks. "I practically jumped on him, before he could even finish proposing!"

Hazel and I burst out laughing at a very red looking Zahlee. Complaining shyly, she bats us away insisting we'd be the same in her position. Nodding in agreement, Hazel smiles at the thought. I, however, go silent.

Mum already gave my hand in matrimony to a complete stranger, and here I am, going out with a guy I've only known for a few months. I don't doubt he's a good guy, but is it wrong that I'm with him but he doesn't know I was arranged to marry someone else.

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