After Today I'll Never Look Back

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Mason promises to wait in the car, as I head into a building I've never stepped foot in before. I've never even been near it but hopefully, it's the first and last time I ever have to. What I'm here to do needs to be done, if I'm ever going to move forward in life.

Taking a deep breath in I clear my throat and knock on the door. A couple of seconds later the door opens and I suck in a breath as a familiar woman opens the door.

"Hello?" she greets me like a question and then looks around to see if anyone else is with me.

"Evan isn't here, Mrs..." I trail off not knowing how to address her. I doubt calling her Thalia is appropriate and I'm not here to pick a fight with her.

"James," she finishes, surprising me slightly. "You're Evan's new friend. I remember you from my wedding. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to speak to your husband," I say firmly, pushing all nervousness deep into my head.

She gives me a bewildered look, not making any move to let me in, "why do you want to speak to him?"

"That's between me and him," I reply, having no interest in telling her why. Folding her arms she gives me a challenging look and I roll my eyes, "if you want to know that desperately, you can ask him when I leave."

"Who's at the door love?"

There it is. The reason that I'm here. His voice sends horrid chills through my spine but I stay focused on my anger. I won't be crying this time.

The door opens wider and he recognises me, shooting me a disgusted look, "And what exactly do you want?"

"To speak to you," I say as calmly as I can.

"Today we're ready to be civil, are we?" he mocks, and anger bubbles inside me. Clearly, he still doesn't recognise me.

"Are you going to let me in or not?" I say through gritted teeth.

He pauses for a second and stares me down as if trying to see into my skull. Then he pushes the door open wider and gestures for me to come in. Stepping inside, I realise it reeks of smoke and something I don't recognise and I have to stop myself from wretching.

I stay put in the hallway, not intending to go anywhere else in the house. Catching on to this, Thalia shuts the door and then stands by her husband, both of them facing me.

"Well?" he prompts in irritation when I don't say anything. I look at his wife and then back at him, indicating I don't want her standing there. "Look, little girl, whatever you've got to say, you can say it to both of us."

"I'm not going to say it in front of her, and I don't think you'll want me to either," I raise an eyebrow. Something registers in his head about my tone and he asks her to give us a minute. "Don't worry, when I'm done you can tell her if you really want to, although I doubt you will."

"I don't have time for games, blondie," he growls and I resist the urge to laugh. Blondie? Seriously? "So say what you need to or get out. You and your friends have caused enough problems for my family."

I smirk at his statement. How hypocritical can he get?
"You seem to be very fond of your family, sir."

"I am," he states simply, "extremely fond."

"That's interesting," I chuckle, "they must get you a lot better than your old family."

"Excuse me?" he says completely taken back by this. He wasn't expecting that.

"You know, for someone who's been dying to live a dangerous life for so long, you really should be more perceptive," I mock him. He keeps his composure but the confusion and nerves are clear in his eyes. He knows something isn't right here.

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