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Okay, so it JUST NOW occurred to me that I didn't ever do the answers right and I really do apologize because I have been having a Kidnapped-related hard time lately but I think I'm back at it, and I hope that y'all forgive me.

That being said...HERE ARE THE ANSWERS!!! And the questions. Hope this helps!


Nanasana asked: 'I want to know if this story will have the same (not exactly same)path? Like will things happen to Tae and JK and Jimin like what was in the other one, I mean the rape Yoongi did? Or Tae telling the Russian guy that boys want to runaway?'

This really is such a good set of questions and I am sorry I did not answer them to the best of my ability, but please allow me to do so now.

For the most part, this story will have the same path. Slight things will change here and there and there will be darker elements for sure, but the purpose of this rewrite was not to create a new story so much as to expand on the story that was already written and to strength or remove some things I knew could be presented better, if you will. There will (and have been) be SEVERAL new chapters added that I am hoping will add depth and understanding to the story.


Anxious_Muu asked: 'Does Jimin canonly have his "Nevermind" tattoo in this?'

Not right now, no. Our timeline isn't there yet but before this story ends I do see him getting it!


444JoJo444 asked: 'This is a trilogy. Will they get out in the first book? Cause I think in the other version you told me that they get free in April. Is that still happening in some way?'

I...maybe? Lol. I can't give away spoilers like that! I love how you tried tho!


Thank you so much for your questions! I really appreciate everyone's interest in this story. You, my readers, are the driving force that keeps me going. If anyone else has any more questions, please feel free to ask!

Before I go, let me leave this with you. Have you noticed how often BTS' song "Butterfly" has been used in this fic? I love it, really, I do, but that's not the only reason it's there! If you want to learn more about how appropriate this song is to this story, listen to it. Read the translation. Dissect the hidden meaning of the lyrics. And then think about the characters in this fic. Think about Mathan, Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok. Think about Taehyung, Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook, and even Sven. What does it mean? You shall soon see!

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