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"Why are you warning me Medusa? you don't want rogues to win, do you? "Zion towered over his daughter searching her eyes for a little emotion other than anger directed towards him.

"I don't want rogues to win sire but that doesn't mean I want the attackers to be victorious because for all we know they can be worse than rogues are."

"I will prepare the soilders. Go and pack your necessities, you are leaving." Medusa's eyes widened at that.

"I am not leaving you dad!" Zion stiffened just as Medusa uttered those words, it has been years since Medusa has called him that. Her own eyes widened with the words that left her mouth.


"I-I ain't leaving you. You need me to fight, we can't win like this."

"Do you not understand the meaning of this? The goddess is warning you to stay away, this is not a war... a ritual is taking place and it will require blood sacrifice of thousands."

"I can use my powers!"

"Your twenty second birthday starts in an hour with the change of day, for Lord's sake don't try to fool me, every year this day your skin burns and sheds. You will leave on your own will or I swear I make you Medusa."

"I won't leave and that's final." She clenched her fists, gritting her teeth, her eyes glaring her father's red irises.

King Zion's voice halted as screams filled the arena. Loud howls pierced the silence of the forest, thumping of footsteps made the earth shake with it's magnitude.

Medusa tried to move out of the tent only to be stopped by Zion.

ROGUES, it's the time of battle, time to unleash the chaos running deep in your blood, to defeat and aquire the grace of Queen Luna Persephone, to unleash the beast thriving in you to taste blood.

A war they began is the one you have to end.


King Zion mindlinked his warriors to prepare as he held the wrist of his daughter in a death grip, dragging her to her quarters only to be greeted by Lucien in between.

"Lucien, what are you doing here?" Medusa efforts to free herself deceased as she looked at Lucien pointing a dagger at Zion's chest, his blue eyes cautious and platinum blonde hair covered with am iron armour same as his body, the signature insignia of royal wolves crafted on it.

"I am sorry Medusa." He aimed the sharp, glinting silver weapon towards Zion pulling it back only to strike.

The dagger was snatched from his hand before he could blink, his hand was twisted and a fatal nerve on neck was hit with force, strong enough to knock him out for weeks.

Medusa's pure white snakes hissed with rage as poison and betrayal ran through her veins. Bold black slits between glowing golden orbs appeared instead of her lilac irises.

"HOW DARE HE! NOBODY TOUCHES OUR FATHER AND LIVES" the snakes hissed with venom, the course of air changing, the rage of the princess mixing with it.

"Come back to me babygirl." That voice....that voice was her reality, her anchor to light when all was dark, her happiness and hope, her was her everything...her Rhysand.

Her body returned to normal and eyes turned back only to watch the horrifying scene unfolding infront of her. Her father had changed into his auburn wolf standing at his twelve feet form ripping off the throats of wolves who try to come near his pup while on the other hand the ground was painted scarlett with blood.

His rogue✔[Fabels Of The Past Series#2]Where stories live. Discover now