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Waves of disbelief washed over the stature of Alpha King Valium.

The soldiers were retrieving his wife bound in silver chains, a thorn crown dug into her forehead made blood dribble down her face like water.

Valium's jaw was clenched hard when he saw multiple cuts on Deliah and took in condition of her torn clothes... she was tortured before death and had died of excessive blood loss.

Deliah was not of much importance to
Valium but the fact that a little girl had entered his kingdom feasting on his power and killed his Queen angered him to no extent.

Ealier his gamma was notifying Valium of the whereabouts of the Rogue Princess when a soldier came running, out of his breath telling the tale signs of the massacre happening in the palace.

Valium was no hero... at all. If the girl could murder and make his soldiers run like little chickens trying to save their lives, he needed much force to encounter and end her.

Thus he had summoned all his forces and left the elders a message of the clash. He was going to wage war on the Rogues.

He wondered how can the princess kill, she looked too beautiful and innocent to even hurt a fly, her body was too soft to be able to bear battle wounds.

Oh how wrong could he have been.

And then his Gamma had found another body freshly buried in the soil just beyond the fertile soil of the river... The dead body of his beta, Reed and just like that disbelief and rage engulfed his whole being.

And the first thing he encountered after marching into his own castle were dead bodies, stone statues and his dead queen, leading it all to where he was standing right now.

A war has begun.

Medusa laid above the grave of Rhysand, her fragile fingers formed into fists as she grasped the soil, it made her feel closer to him.

Hot tears wouldn't stop trailing her cheeks burning her soul.
Zion had let his girl be, she was inconsolable and didn't wanted to move away from the place so he decided to give her space and just a little of peace she deserved, watching her from a distance.

"SIRE! SIRE!!" A rogue came running towards Zion, his eyes frantic and fearful.

"What happened" Zion didn't showed any interest, mentally exhausted to think of anything beside how his daughter's world fell apart infront of him and he couldn't do anything.

"They are coming! The royal army is marching towards us!" Zion's jaw clenched.

"Prepare the army, we are going to retaliate. NOW!"

"Γεννήθηκα για να φέρω την ειρήνη μητέρα, πήρα έναν όρκο για να εκδικηθώ τον σύντροφό μου .."

(I was born to bring peace mother, i took an oath to avenge my mate......)

Μόλις ολοκληρώσω τα καθήκοντά μου, δεν επιθυμώ να ζήσω πια.

(once i have completed my duties i dont wish to live anymore.)

Μετά από αυτό .... με έβαλε σε έναν ατέλειωτο ύπνο πατέρα, λοξοτομώ τον πόνο αυτό πια. πονάει ... πονάει τόσο πολύ.

(After this....put me to an endless sleep father, I can't take this pain anymore. it hurts so much.)

Medusa weeped and mourned the loss of her fallen lover. Her glossy eyes turning to look at the sky with hopeless, empty eyes filled with pain as she whispered in a soft, defeated voice which no one heard in midst of clanking armours.

It was only meant for Mother Luna Persephone and King Father Hades.

She stood up on her feet slowly, collecting herself, preparing herself for the last battle of her life.

Howls erupted from various areas indicating that the war had already begun. In seconds the silence was eaten away by metals clanking, growls and roars trembling the earth crust.

In minutes tress were being uprooted from the impact of humongous wolves crashing against it again and again. And in middle of all stood a goddess.

She turned her face to Zion with blank, dull eyes, their shine dimming to an extent making him step towards her in fear that he had lost her.

He did.

"I don't need anyone to fight for me, this is my fight." Medusa whispered.

Before Zion could reply the enemy wolves jumped the defences of the rogues surrounding the field making him change into his auburn wolf standing infront of Medusa.

Brown fur sprouting on the backs of enemies represented their warrior status as they sneered at the rouges forming a protective circle around Medusa and Zion.

A dark grey wolf jumped infront of the offenders growling- Lucien.

Medusa stepped out of the circle.

"Stop" She raised her palm, a melodic sound resembling a lullaby flowed through the wind like a song, carrying it to the large forest like it was whispering in each soilder's ear, making them perking up with the force.

"Those who wish to leave the battle...alive to their mates and children leave it for once, I pledge on mother Luna that no harm would befall upon themselves....... NOW!"

Several werewolves jerked their faces unable to comprehend the power of such untamable source melting and owning their bones and wolves.

They ran into the woods in different direction to escape the clutches of death as soon as they could. The battle wasn't for them neither they wished to be the part of such a horrendous slaughter.

Alpha King Valium watched in absolute rage as the girl continued.

"I rule your souls, wolves and your body, I am the ultimate Queen of Werewolves..."

Medusa clenched her jaw harder making her powers flow with greater force making the wolves in the field change back to their human form one by one without their consent, making them kneel with compulsion.

"You all will stand behind me....fight for me and bow down to me because the heads raised against me will be decapitated and crushed under my foot....I will make you wish you were never born."

Few chapters are left.

His rogue✔[Fabels Of The Past Series#2]Where stories live. Discover now