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"As much as I want to deny and not speak ill about gods, it doesn't matters because it needs to be spoken.

Mother Luna Persephone and King Father Hades wanted to create a world full of life and justice but since other gods have no other form of entertainment, they have meddled in the lives of mortals, playing with it.

Hence after one such incident, an order was created so that no gods and goddess will ever interfere, favour or target any mortal ever again. They were greedy and selfish so King Father Hades had no choice to prohibit it completely.

If according to you Mother Persephone did came...she had broken a very essential law but she had done it out of love for you and Medusa.

Moon goddess does give life to Werewolves but she doesn't shapes it according to her will, she gives us choice and freedom to do it on our own.

I am afraid she might have seen an upcoming catastrophe and risked everything to warn you."

"What do you mean?" Rhysand asked his jaw clenched.

"With more than hundered years of penance and meditation I could see the creation of life. I saw everything...

Your mate...Medusa is special, she is practically the daughter of the moon goddess Persephone and King Hades themselves.

They have broken countless rules for her, how many times? I can't even count it. Medusa's birth mother did abused the girl verbally but the first time she tried touching her... King Hades burned her hands.

She is still not freed from her shackles in hell, she has enraged queen mother Persephone too much to even give a chance of redemption.

You see boy, even if Medusa is so close to their heart...they are gods, they can't discriminate, they did everything to make her safe but understand that they can't change her much as they want to, if they tampered with it much...Medusa would die.

Such powers are impossible for a mortal to contain, Medusa was never meant to live a long life on mortal realm..she was born with the only purpose to kill King Valium, make peace in wereworld and then go to Underworld living a life like the goddess she was meant to be."

Rhysand was rendered speachless, he could understand the elders words but damn if he hated that he couldn't come earlier to take his babygirl away from the torture she endured for years.
He wanted to kill her mother with his own two hands.

"She hasn't taken will she kill the King now?"

"Athelia is a weapon to kill no matter whom, a god, mortal, demon, it's the strongest weapon in the universe but king Valium's boon which was given much later was forseen by gods years ago.

He can be killed with an ordinary dagger, no need of Athelia but he will become alive again. The only thing to defeat magic .....was magic itself.

And Medusa is mystic. As soon as she kills Valium, her powers would disappear and she would die.

Again as I said, the Luna mother didn't bound us...The girl was not meant to have a mate....ever, you were only a person she was bound to help in aquiring the throne.

But she starved for love from her childhood and King Hades couldn't see her like that so her granted"

"I can't let her die, my woman isn't dying. Now that we have altered fate she is not going to get hurt, right?" Rhysand gritted through his teeth but felt immense gratitude for the King of Underworld.

"That is what Queen Persephone is afraid of, if you kill the elders.. you would die, if she kills the king, Medusa would die.

You both are not going to live together, if Medusa dies she would become a goddess and if she wants she could accept a god for her-" Rhysand's animalistic growl stopped the elder who expected the reaction from the Lycan.

"But it looks almost impossible now, she had accepted you from her heart, she would never live happy if you were separated from her.

Your only chance lies in your hand Rhysand, you have to choose between yourself and her."

Rhysand didn't spoke a word about it, the venom of separation from Medusa was already eating him alive.

The days he first met her, he had restricted himself from touching her, how would she feel when she would know that the person who had touched her...fucked her. Ruled her heart, soul and body was a traitor?

She would feel betrayed...dirty. How could he have done that to her? How could he taint the beautiful goddess meant to only live in happiness and mirth but was surrounded by chaos.

He saw her crippling when he left her but she was brave enough to accept him again after seeing his truth. He didn't even deserved her.

He wanted to laugh of the ways og karma, now Medusa had left him to fight for him and even when he wanted, he couldn't be mad at her because she was fierce yet kind. Possessive yet selfless. She was doing everything for him.

"You wolf is a Lycan made from the fires of hell. If you had mated her it was going to start an apocalypse because your union would have created something which was out of control.

You two are very prohibited Rhysand. Earlier your child would have been complete human...only if it would have existed."

"I am going to kill the elders Lord Clesmond, I have made my choice"

You guys have no idea how much I am enjoying playing with your emotions*evil laughs*

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