Playing with fire

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Smut smut smut!!!!!!

I traced patterns on Rhysand's chest, he pulled my body closer kissing the my head as I laid on top of his chest, basking in his arms as the soft glow of moon fell upon our naked forms.

He made me cum six times each time starting from where it ended. I was whining about getting sore so he left my poor pussy for now.

The silence in the atmosphere was poisonous, an eerie feeling clutching our attention, sprouting uncertainty and fear in the air.
"He knows we are here." the words leaving my mouth were not a question, they were a fact.

King Valium had his idea of Rhysand being here but what he knew about me was in questioning.

"This war's not easy, when an Alpha King takes the throne, his oath binds the whole kingdom with him.

Going on a war with him signifies we are going to fight so many innocent people who have absolutely no idea what this battle is all about.

They don't know where the young maidens of the village disappear. The elders of the dynasty, all having lineages blessed by the moon goddess are going to be on his side.

They have ethereal powers love and they use it for the King's need. If we have to win, I need to kill them all. It's going to be a bloodbath."

I gasped softly as my eyes widened, body tensing.

" Killing an elder is the highest crime in wereworld Rhysand. They are chosen by the goddess herself. You cannot annihilate them."

He rubbed my back soothingly, sighing.
"No their ancestors were chosen by Queen mother Persephone, they aren't, they are terrible people Medusa, with horrifying deeds painting their soul black."

I sat upright the information being too much for my brain to possess.
"If there would not be a counsel, the kingdom would burn to ashes. There would be no one controlling the power of the King....he would be invincible, the councilmen must be killed but how?."

He too sat up beside me, pulling me on his lap.
"What do you suggest?" His golden irises stared at my lilac ones intensely already sensing an answer he wouldn't like.

"Let me kill the King." He kneaded my red battered ass from one arm drawing out a whimper from me, his fingers wrapped around my throat glaring at me furiously.

"You have a tendency to break rules, I told you to stay at home, you didn't listened, I told you to stay away from capital you didn't.

Rather I saw you sitting there on the lap of that malicious creature in the festival and killing royal guards." He grinded his hard length above my weeping, swollen pussy making my juices coat all of his rock hard cóck.

"You beg me to fuck your mouth but you won't listen to me. You let me spank your ass red but again you refuse to obey, I let all that slide but this......"

I peered up at him through my eyelashes inhaling shakily as he weighted my heavy breasts, his golden irises watching them bounce as his thick fingers grasped them.

He brought his mouth close to a tit, releasing a warm breath, he wrapped his lips around the soft, pink nipple sucking it on like he was starving like a beast ,his other rough palm left my ass pinching my other nipple making me moan loud.

His teeth latched on the side of the breast biting softly into the creamy flesh marking it with his canines. Red marks appeared on it as he continued sucking them.

"I won't let u near that monster." He growled in fury before directing his attention to the other pink nipple peeking at him. He licked it, sucking hard before releasing it with a pop.

W-What abouut me?" I exhaled whimpering. He knew I was talking about my monstrous form but he refused to pay me any heed as his canines extended to scrape my neck softly.
"Ain't I the same?"

"A monster, an ice cold heart, an abomination......" He rose his head staring right into my soul as my eyes filled with unshed tears from his sweet torture.

"You are all this Medusa.." he whispered in my ear, his lips tracing it's outline. "....and so am I." my eyes snapped to his in surprise.

"But then you are so much more babygirl." I stared at him in shock recollecting my sanity.

"I love you Rhysand.........." He opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by me speaking before him.

"But I will still kill him." He snapped his mouth shut, his eyes switching to cyan.

"Get on your knees." I blinked twice not understanding.

"Get on your fucking knees baby." my eyes widened as I scrambled off the bed quickly getting on my knees infront of him on the ground as he climbed down standing infront if me.

"Do you trust me Rhysand?"
He came closer bending slightly to collect my silver hair coiling it around his fist taking it in his grasp.

"Little snake you are playing with fire." His jaw clenched as I parted my lips, moving my head forward to lick the precum decorating the crown of his thick, angry cóck making his hold tightened on my hair.

"Protect me from getting burned then." Holding the base of his cock I made myself take more of his member inside my mouth, massaging the rest of it with my hand.

He groaned forcing his cóck a little deeper making it touch the base of my throat, it was ridiculous that he wasn't even one-third within me, it made me realize even when he would be gentle I would feel him weeks later and I doubt he would be gentle, it made me release a series of whimpers and moans.

"You defy me baby....all the time and I am fucking insane to absolutely crave it.

You hate to obey me, still look at yourself.." his jaw clenched hard pupils dilating.

"....spread out infront of me like a little slut, you like being my badgirl princess? Do you like taking me into your little mouth?"

I tried nodding frantically, whining as I couldn't seem to agree enough. His fingers threaded through my hair as I bobbed my head sucking his length like a candy.

I stared up into his eyes innocently, relaxing my throat slightly to take him even deeper while hollowing my cheeks.

He seemed to lost it, as another second his fist clenched my hair harder as he fucked my mouth thrusting continuously, making tears of pleasure burn my eyes. My nails dug into his cóck making him watch my face with more passion.

He growled ferociously when I reached my hands out rubbing his balls softly. After twenty minutes he seem to realize I was enjoying it far too much to be a punishment as I started rubbing my clit softly moaning making him take his member out of my mouth.

He picked me up, my jelly legs wrapping around his waist grinding my pussy greedily, his palms supported my ass squeezing hard as he smashed his lips to mine.

There was a knock on the door...

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