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Whispers and gossips circulating thought the Werewolf empire sang the warrior song of the rogue princess, her valour, courage and extreme loyalty were praiseworthy just as much as was her radiance in all its glory.

The mortal realm rejoiced when their dead banished prince returned and so did their hope of the most compassionate and honoured ruler who would govern them with an iron fist.

But when the kingdom was bustling, drowned in happiness and nothing but gratitude towards her, Medusa had been exceptionally silent, in farthest corner of the old werewolf castle.

The library was ancient with sacred text, myths, novels and subjective books covering it's ailes. The yellow pages told the tale of the history of wars and Kings that the books have encountered and still remain alive while they became deceased.

Medusa sat beside the huge French windows watching the sun settling as the sky became a canvas of blue splotches tinted with red and honey gold and faint twinkling stars sprinkled across the sky.

The thoughts going inside her brain forced her to think and that was all she did for past four days without speaking, just listening and observing.

Medusa was ecstatic when she woke up in the arms of Rhysand the next day of the war, in the same rocky cave that her heart had came to realise that she had lost him.

Her happiness was boundless and her face glowed with the glimmers of mirth in her heart. Her presence became a ray of sunshine lightning the whole atmosphere with hope and love.

Though she had lost her powers and became completely humane, she still rejoiced in the fact the the innocent people she had turned stone had come to life again now that no force was making them stay like it forever.

She felt light as if a huge boulder had been lifted off from her shoulders...but that was days ago.

In the world where time is continuous, joy and sorrow the counterpart of one another nothing remained static.

The wooden mahogany doors of the library squeaked as Rhysand entered, the aroma which used to attract the attention of the rouge princess to give all her attention to him still worked but she didn't bothered greeting him still staring out with a blank face.

The echos of boot clattering the ground stopped the same second as his movements when he came beside her.

"φεγγάρι" His fingers gently held her chin making her face turn towards himself.


"Rhysand" She smiled but it came out more forced than anything, the light didn't reached her eyes making him frown. Rhysand thought she was angry at him for not telling her that Lucien was his brother but she denied the whole concept earlier.

"Έπρεπε να γίνει, για να προσποιούμαστε ότι δεν ήταν ο αδερφός σου όταν συναντηθήκαμε για πρώτη φορά.  

δεν υπήρχαν περιστάσεις όπου θα μπορούσατε να μου πείτε για αυτόν και δεν θα τον κηρύξω προδότη και θα σας εμπιστευτώ."

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