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Eight months later

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Eight months later

Dear Rhysand

This old man who is keeping me in his humble adobe is a maniac, but then he is also a wonderful teacher and a very kind being.

I like elder Clesmond.

The first week I spend here was a combination of moping around and crying with consuming all his sugary supplies, to say he wasn't happy was an understatement.

As soon as the week ended, he hauled me out of my bed, his one glare made me feet like a child caught stealing cookies.

He was like "Go and fetch me apples!"
"Go pluck the ripened grapes!"
"Go and bath stupid girl!"
"I swear if you cry one more time I am going to throw you into the pond and that Lycan of yours...I will throw him too."

A fragile short, old, man with sassy attitude and long dress dragging behind him (making him a bit cute) claiming that he can throw you into a pond was hillarious but his glare....that shut me up...for good.

Everytime I stare into the distance like a love struck fool thinking about you he magically remembers his apples and order me to fetch it.

I tell you Rhy he knows that while I am thinking about you, all smiles and grinning widely I won't refuse any work.. just do it in a flow.

One day he said my eating habits were unhealthy I pounced on him, you won't believe Rhy, the hundered year elder screamed like a teenage girl making me clutch my stomach and laugh,

He is like the grandfather I never had.

(He taught me how to communicate with birds!!! Can you believe!)

Now you ask me why I call him crazy.
Well two weeks ago there was a downpour of hail in the forests of Yarenis making every little vegetation die down.

Now the old man is very fond of his white Lily pond but the morning after I saw him shouting profanities at the lake with so much anger that I was startled.

I ignored it for sometime but he got only louder chewing my ear off.

I made my way to him only to see him glaring angrily at a small white Lily bud which survived the hailstorm.
(Yes Rhy, he glares alot)

Upon asking the man, he said that it was all the bud's fault that the lake was destroyed making me watch him incredulously.

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