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"Warriors surrender your weapons,  Rouges and Army, I don't discriminate

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"Warriors surrender your weapons,  Rouges and Army, I don't discriminate. Leave the side of your corrupt king and come under my shadows. "

If a woman can control a whole army, bend them on their knees in one command, what will stop her from pushing a blade through their throat if they refused?


She was playing with their lives concentrated and confiscated in the palm of her hands.

"Fools! what are you doing!!" Valium roared his face turning pale as most of his soldiers surrendered keeping their head down moving away from him, parting like red sea for the goddess to enter.

A path that had only two people infront and against of each other, one was going to die and other was going to hunt. Valium's most relied warrior Gamma Aldrich didn't think twice before accepting defeat.

"You are a woman! weak and undetermined. I am never going to stand by your side. Are you all blind? she is dillusional! She is feeding you all lies, women don't have heart to kill."

A warrior walked infront of his battalion, growling at Medusa completely regarding his displeasure towards her ,receiving threatening growls from her side.

A group of people stood behind him, seeming to agree on his opinion.


Medusa was infront of them before they could bat an eyelash, making the offender staggering back in fear, his eyes widened before he straightened out himself still not backing down from his words.

"Is that so?" The rogue princess tilted her head, watching him intently with a emotionless facade beneath which laid a burning soul and unimaginable wrath.

"I w-will not bow down to you." He stuttered, trying to look confident.

"Then you will not live either." Medusa swung her sword back with full force, pulling it forward and stabbing it in his neck before he could even take his stance.

Blood sprouted out like water as his throat was pierced, splatters of blood dripping down Medusa's face as the werewolf fell limp on the ground.

The men beside him were not so courageous anymore bowing down at once.

"W-we beg for f-gorgiveness our Q-queen."

"Is there anyone else who would dare to stand against me. " None answered making her snap with full force.


"NO OUR QUEEN." they replied together, their conjoined voices echoing thought the battleground as a hypnotic submission.

Alpha King Valium wanted to rip the Medusa's throat, he lurched forward his eyes all complete black turning into his dark olive wolf. He stood at a height of 8 feet and Medusa wanted to scoff....He still though he had a chance.

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