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I couldn't understand where Rhysand was taking me. The roads were dust filled with grey and brown houses which looked ready to collapse any moment, even though we were wearing cloaks covering our faces entirely and it was evening making it dark, Rhysand's large masculine build made people in path pave a way for us.

Their clothes were tattered and worry of unknown clouding their senses, despite the fear lingering in air, a smile etched on my face as I saw children playing with mud throwing it at each other's faces laughing out.

Rhysand's hand clasping around my own tightened as we rounded a street. He started walking faster dragging me behind him till we stopped infront of a small one story building with paint wearing off its walls.

Rhysand took out a rusty key opening the door which was made of heavy iron, it provide a little sense of security in such trepidation looming in the area...safety. Rhysand opened the door watching me take in the surroundings.

I stepped inside before my mate only to find a single room inside the said house, a big bed was lying at the corner with walls risen separating kitchen and a old wooden door leading to bathroom maybe.

It was clean and filled with weapons of various kinds but otherwise empty the only sound in the vicinity was of the door being closed behind me.

"Where are we Rhy?" He lowered his cloak, his hands reaching out to uncover my face as his fingers caressed my cheek.

"It was my home for past fourteen years." I smiled a little encouragingly at him as he looked at me embarrassed and nervous but my smile must have made him content since his eyes darkened.

"It was? Where is it now?"

"In your arms, in your heart and ...."his lips touched my earlobe. "...In your pussy" I stiffened, a soft gasp escaping my lips as his hands held the nape of my neck guiding his lips to mine.

I moaned as he palmed my ass, moving his lips feverishly against mine, plunging his tongue into my mouth. He parted keeping his forehead against mine as our breaths mingled, his palms engulfed my face as he smothered it with kisses.

"You have no idea babygirl, I am dying to mark you."

"Medi, today is the first full moon of spring and each year this day there is a festival of men in this village. Women usually have a seperate way of celebration.

There is someone I know who could help us in hiding and tonight I am going to meet them.

You need to stay here Baby, this place is safe, just don't go near the festival under any circumstances."

"How come you can go but I can't go with women?" I pouted making him smile at me, as he picked me up in his arms bridal style pecking my lips.

"This village is very far away from werewolf capital, people here don't recognize me for who I am... but on the other hand I have a lilac eyed seductress who is famous for her beauty, who is alluring beyond belief and I don't want her getting recognized."

"It's not fair" I whined making him chuckle.

He walked towards the door putting me down on my feet, right infront of the door as he opened it taking a step out.
"See you at night princess." And he was gone.

After locking the door I laid down on his bed exhausted, sleep taking over me.

Scarlett blood dripped down his fingertips, his wrists bound in silver needle wires were painted red as heavy metal clamps encased his limbs in a painful hold, his body was hanging from chains to the ceiling.

His head was bowed, silk hair matted from dried blood had grown out covering his bartered face. A bucket of melted silver was poured on his head, he puffed out breaths in intense pain burning the honey tan skin red as blisters started forming on his body peeling the skin.

Rhysand groaned in agony, he would never give Valium the satisfaction of being victorious.

It had been a month since he was locked in the underground prison and each day a smile graced his face as soon as he reminisced Medusa telling him she loved him but every other time it clenched his heart when he remembered her tear streaked face.

"Did you killed Medusa?" Valium glared Rhysand's bound form which was half burned, the healing of his skin was slowed down by excessive silver dripping down his body like acid.

"Yes" Rhysand spat in wrath.

"YOU DARE!" Valium clenched his jaw in rage.

"Don't forget mutt that your mate is under our watch." Rhysand released a agonizing smile, that fool wasn't even aware that Medusa was his mate not the imaginary girl they had been threatening him with.

"What did you do to her? Where is her body......my men and I am starving boy, either you answer truthfully or we will take turns spilling our seeds inside the womb of your bitch mate. I bet she would scream for us."

His malicious laugh was cut short as the chains broke in a single twist, wrapping tightly around his throat, cutting his oxygen supply. Rhysand eye had turned dark onyx like thunderstorms. Gaelic snarled making the guards freeze as the cell rattled with the incredible power.

Valium turned blue, clawing Rhysand's arms, the hands strangling him were burning with the charm placed around the Alpha King. Gaelic growled as blood wheezed out from his prey's mouth.

"Prince! Prince!"
The brave soldiers trying to pry his hands frantically, trembled as Rhysand's black claws came out and body shifted partially, mouth replaced by jaw ready to snap necks. Gaelic and Rhysand switched furiously unable to control their rage.

Their nails digging into Valium chest smashed his bones producing a sickening chorus of cracks of ribcage making the Alpha King scream like a madman despite Rhysand's other hand choking him turning his face pale as he passed out while the others watched in horror as he punctured his lungs.

Rhysand saw his own chest bleeding profusely. Valium was dead, his body was turning cold, cerulean steaks appearing on his arms, Rhysand could not hear the rush of blood through the veins but in a day he would revive again. Valium was basically an immortal in the land of death.

The Lycan removed his fingers choking the king only to look into the eyes of others as his arms slowly, terrifyingly started turning the King's head to a side. Terrifying gasps sounded like a melody to his ears when his hands didn't stopped twisting the neck to aside, finally breaking the vocal chords.

Rhysand dropped the body, shifting completely, roaring with insanity clouding his vision completely. The guards bowed down not trying to even breathe so to invite their death. The Lycan took off towards the only person who was his anchor in madness surrounding him.

Sorry for no smut in this chapter, I had to extend some parts which made it too long for one chapter only soooooo next chapter.

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