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A feeling of intense melancholy surrounded Medusa, such grief and pain that she wanted to rip out her hair and chew her fingernails till her they bleed.

Her heart was pounding harshly, it seemed to beat out of her chest. Last night she could feel Gaelic calling out to her but Rhysand....he was eerily quiet.

Earlier she didn't even flutter a single eyelash when she buried the dead body of beta Reed near the river. The guards were not even trained properly, walking out of the palace was a piece of cake.

"Princess, may I please come in?"
Medusa stopped staring at the gold embellish ceiling of the chamber for a moment. Sitting upright from her sleeping position on her bed she nodded her head to the maids standing at the door.

"Princess, the King asked which of these dresses would you like?" One of the maids with fiery red hair motioned the other two brunettes to hold the white gowns for choosing.

"What is all this for?" Medusa couldn't help but seethe, ofcourse she knew what the gown was.

"Um m-miss ...your wedding-" Scarlett covered her vision as soon as she heard those words.

"When it is taking place?" Her voice had gone disturbingly calm making the frail woman step back.



"Last night we found four dead bodies my king-" The Gamma general rode a white horse alongside the mighty black one of Valium, though the white mare seemed to be struggling to keep up with the black stallion.

Adrenaline pumped through the creature's veins as it flew like whirlwind across the green pathway, his beautiful dark hair shining gloriously as sunrays lit it's path as it came out of the boundaries of the castle.

A strong whip was lashed on its back which the stallion paid little attention to, still continuing it's running.

Valium knew that the horse was as stubborn as it's previous owner- Rhysand.

Casper was Rhysand's birthday gift when he was ten years old but even after he left the dimwitted animal didn't allowed anyone else on his back.

Another strong lash broke the skin of the stallion making it stop abruptly in agony but before he could get off properly, the horse raised his forelegs making the king fall into the dirt of earth and again took off to running in opposite direction.

"CATCH HIM!" Valium roared his eyes murderous as he watched the retreating animal, his hatred for Rhysand growing stronger by each passing second.

Gamma Aldrich claimed down his mate helping the King up.

"Butcher him as soon as you set sights on that animal again."

" Yes my king." The Gamma guided Valium on the muddy bank of Caris river whose water was known to be the purest in the land .Four familiar faces with eyes wide opened and body bloated with pale ashen skin appeared by it's side.

The odours were too much for the werewolves which had their senses heightened in every way possible.

"My lord someone killed them brutally, Elder Avalon was murdered with a knife to his heart and looking at others, he had the easiest death."

"She will never be yours."

"Elder Clive is worse my lord, his vocal chords were completely smashed and his head was bashed against walls."

"She is made to give pups ,be a good slut for men, not to lead us." 

" Elder Curt had huge iron nails embedded in his spine and his throat is slit open."

"Blessing..she is a demoness, a curse among our kind, if she was my mate I would have killed her."

When we inspected Elder Kaso it became clear that his head was held under freezing ice for hours, his eyes were pulled out from their sockets, hands broken then slashed from blade and nails plucked, there isn't an organ which is not damaged.

My King the way he was killed is.... horrific, his body has iron burns throughout and it seemed like he was beaten for hours.

He was emasculated before he died from bloodloss.

"I have the powers granted by the goddess herself, you think we are going to fight from your side. You could kill Avalon because he was powerless...we are not." Kaso laughed haughtily.

"You think you and that whore can rule together? I will rape her infront of your eyes, spilling my seed inside her while keeping you in the same room bound to watch her cry for me."

"This is impossible, Elders aren't supposed to be defeated. Who the fuck has gone out of their mind to challenge me." Valium snarled.

"Sire, we have received a news which is unfortunately worse than this."

"What now?"

"Our spies have reported rogue army matching towards us my lord. With the looks of it, King Zion is not dead and he is searching for his daughter Medusa and...."

"And what?" Valium spat.

"and Rhysand is on his side."


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As you all can sense this book will soon come to an end

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As you all can sense this book will soon come to an end. Some incidents from this chapter would be elaborated Enjoy!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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