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"You should let her fight the King, Rhysand, I have been under Medusa's command for more than six years, she is a brilliant millitary strategist and a very strong general.

You don't even have any idea how powerful she is."

Lucien sat infront of Rhysand. The wood dining table seemed small in comparison to the imperial Lycan sitting beside it.

"Have you ever loved someone like a madman.... for whom you can destroy the world and then again build it from ashes if they ask?..." Rhysand asked titling his head.

".....Someone for whom your vision of right and wrong blurs and you become a servant of their command?" Rhysand raised his head staring into the blue irises of his brother.

Lucien opened his mouth to speak closing it again, words were stuck in his throat. He loved Celeste like anything, She was his world but he couldn't comprehend Rhysand words.

There was a time this Lycan infront of him had forgotten the meaning of Love, he had become a carnal predator only knowing the methodology of hunt but this was something the man was totally unheard of.

He was so possessive of the Rogue Princess that Gaelic resurfaced every time he took her name, a tinge of cyan filled his aurum irises and just like that he was so close to lose control.

The Rhysand, Lucien had known his entire life used to be calm, even in the harshest of the hailstorms, temperament like frost but this shade of him....he had become something lethal and unpredictable.

"Do you love Medusa like that?" Lucien asked after several seconds. Rhysand muscles contracted, his knuckles whitening with his hold on the table.

"I love her more than that.

I am born to protect her, to please her and to make her happy. My duty is to the Kingdom but my soul and sanity is all about her.

I don't care if I am an obsessive creature, I don't care if I am being irrational.... all I care is that I want her safe.

Earlier Celeste and now you are trying to tell me not to underestimate her. I am not blind Lucien, I can see what my woman can do. I know it very well, the question is that, am I willing to throw her in circumstances where she is threatened and my answer will always remain same... No."

Lucien drew a long sigh in defeat.
"You know you are a stubborn bastard don't you? Anyways, I need to apologise to her."

Celeste and Medusa were talking in the attic and had no idea that Lucien was home since past half an hour. Lucien wanted to keep it that way because cannot comprehend how Medusa would react.

"For leaving the battlefield in middle of the war? Don't worry she will be happy to see you fine." Rhysand assured.

"Errr.... Rhysand you see, I well I ....I attacked Zion in front of her."


Medusa's POV

"Is your brother home yet?" I was arranging the makeshift bed, putting several plush pillows to make it more comfortable.

There was only one bedroom in the house so Celeste provided us with everything in the attic itself which was clean and fresh. I felt peace right now but this was the calm before the storm and I could feel it.

The King was so close to bound us in his claws, this time we were lucky but I couldn't rely on luck everytime I had to eradicate the problem itself.

"Yes but he is asleep, you can meet him tommorow Medi." Rhysand replied to me hastily and before I had time to get suspicious his arms caged me from behind.

"What is your little head thinking about?" Rhysand sat on the bed pulling me towards himself, making me sit on his lap.

"nothing important" I lied through my teeth.

" Medusa-"

"Ee hufs" i whined distracting him. I wasn't so sure what was going into my mind myself and certainly I wasn't going to pile the burden of my concerns on his shoulders. He was already fighting the world for me.

"I can't understand princess."I had smothered my face into his chest closing my eyes so he couldn't understand a word of my gibberish talks.

"Baby? What-" I put a hold on the frantic wandering, his eyes searching for any injury on my body by guiding his calloused palm to my ass.

"It hurts, you spanked me."
The choice was his. It was either he let me ride his cóck or lotion my hurting butt, I was desperately craving myself some Rhysand time, it gave my soul the feeling of home and love, utter strength and safety.

"Please lay down on your stomach babygirl" Looks like he had made the choice though it was rather boring one I say.

I was gently led down on the bed on my stomach with fingers taking off my long black skirt.
I didn't had time to wear any panties while we were running off so I was naked below the waist.

He left me lying there for a minute or two leaving my side. I wiggled my bubble butt to incite him, giving him a chance to change his mind.

A cool sensation on my ass made me hum in content. He massaged the cold gel on my globes, his fingers stroking gently.

"Medusa?" I hummed.

"We need to talk about what is going in your little mind"

Oh boy.



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