Sacrifice: Rhysand

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Prostitutes with minimal clothing of pure white colour danced in the royal court of Alphas, their lush bodies gracefully gliding across the floor, some looked terrified others content to have a job good enough to keep their families fed.

Alpha King Valium sat a beautiful girl on his thigh, her sheer pink gown was parted as he continued to touch her shamelessly. She smiled having already embraced her reality. Her green eyes were dull with raven black hair fisted in the hands of the King who smelled it like a madman closing his eyes.

Her red lips attracted the king to wilderness. She wasn't even half of his age making the King's interest spike even more. A new Lily in his garden, a new flower to pluck.

"My king" the head of werewolf council- Avalon bowed down infront of him making the dancers to halt and scatter away.

With the onset of time, the hunger and lust for power had made the councilmen corrupted. The earlier policy of women and gender fluidity have come to a halt. Only men with the abundance of power were given a voice and say.

"The rogues have acquired one-third of our lands, men, women and children are terrified because none of them are capable to save their loved ones. The Rogue King's army is not even half of us, if we attack them now we can win."

Still his focuse didn't deterred from the beauty close to him.

Avalon cleared his throat irritated with the antics of the King. In all his years of diplomacy what he had learned was the art of illusion and he was going to make a use of it.

"The Rogue King Zion has a daughter blessed with the grace of the moon goddess herself."

King Valium's onyx eyes opened and for the first time he paid a penny of attention to the aristocrat infront of him whose clothes were a contrast with in front of his royal red attire.

His brown eyes gleamed with attention he had finally bargained. Body cladded with long blue coat stood relaxed.

"What about her?"

"My king, it is said her beauty is far beyond words, she has the grace of a lioness and body of a fawn. The softest silks appear to be harsh when compared to her creamy skin. It is said that her lilac eyes are mirrors to Elysium."

"Such woman does not exists, these are only fabricated lies."

"Dear King I wanted to show you her portrait, but if you aren't interested-"

"Show me or I will rip off your throat." His hands fondled the breasts of girl sitting while his heart stirred to see such a regal creature.

Avalon drew out a silver scroll from his waist. He walked up the throne stairs stopping a few steps below the King, his knees bent presenting the painting to Valium.

Snatching the scroll Valium opened it hurriedly, his breath hitched on seeing the face of the goddess crafted on the silver page...she was intoxicating.

He pushed the girl sitting on his thigh making her fall beneath him, she bowed her head and scurried as fast as she could.

"Avalon, prepare the army...I want her in my bed..she is made to service me with a body like that."

"An army can't even get you the earth she walks on- ugh p-pardon sire but she is much more stronger than an army can be." Avalon coughed when the king glared at him.

"Then how?"

"Use your elder son"

"Rhysand?" Valium laughed throwing his head back.

"Have you forgotten how that tryant challenged me in a duel only to be defeated and thrown in the pits of our capital with those poor, unwealthy creatures for the rest of his life?"

"He was twelve sire, he just shifted. Pardon me my King, I am not questioning your obvious supremacy but if anybody can bring her for you, it's him."

"That stubborn bastard had to be whipped before so to understand and follow."

"Sir, if you let me handle this, he would listen to you word by word without creating any problems"

" Do you understand mutt why have you been called here?

"Listen here boy-" Avalon stepped back in terror when the man raised his golden eyes to meet his brown ones.

"W-we h-have"

"Speak properly!" Avalon stiffened when his wolf surrendered whispering "yes my lord" to the rugged banished prince.

He was a Lycan in all its sense. Avalon had few doubts that he will crush the king before he could made him wonder why hasn't he yet.

"We have found your mate." The golden irises darkened to black, making a roar fall out of his lips.

"How is that fucking possible?" Rhysand clenched his jaw.

"The oldest oracle alive proclaimed that girl to be your mate and as far as an oracle is concerned....they don't lie."

"Do you?" Rhysand smirked.

" W-what?"

"Not lie?" Rhysand sneered.

"ENOUGH! Listen mutt... She is safe for NOW but if didn't bring me what I want... I will burn her alive infront of your fucking eyes." A ferocious growl escaped the lips of the Lycan.

His was infront of the King in a snap, Gaelic clutched the throne, his hands burning from the magic of the celestial being bestowed upon his now wide eyed father.

"I will bring your kingdom to ruins if you threatened my mate again King Valium. Don't provoke me, boon or not, I will rip your intestines, crush your heart and feed your broken bones to the hellhounds."

The same boon Valium had obtained from torturing a nymph. She fled but what remained was the protection surrounding him. He couldn't be killed unless a magic more powerful was involved.

"Calm down, she is well!" Avalon exclaimed secretly cursing the King at his stupidity.

The guards coming to force Rhysand down the throne stiffened at his glare retreating back.

"The kingdom of Rogues is conquering our lands and destroying lives we want you to defeat them and bring their commander in general to us.

Her name is Medusa."

The moon shone more brightly as Rhysand picked up the painting of the girl he was told to bring.

His breathing stopped, pupils dilating and Gaelic howled with love.

A conspiracy was woven, a game has begun unaware of the Lycan that was hidden in shadows for so long had come out to play.

"Mate" his moon he has found.

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