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The incidents happened in this chapter are not dreams, it's truly happening....sorry.

Medusa's pov

I messed up. The glowing violet emerald of Athelia was the token that I did. It had started radiating immense glow since the second I stepped out of the dungeons.

The sky had turned from a burnt of  tangerine to inky onyx when I was done with Deliah. She wasn't dead and I didn't wanted her to die.... yet.

Valium hadn't returned since noon, the silence in the castle was enough to tell me he was aware of my schemes now.

It was impossible not to, half of the servants had turned hard stone, the ones which had time ran away for their lives as I had dragged their queen.

I wasn't even least concerned when I will encounter the King, I will kill him as soon as my eyes will meet his..so what was happening to me, why this uncontrollable fear was engulfing my whole soul?

An uncomfortable feeling bloomed in my chest, I was scrubbing my hands furiously to get rid of the scarlett hue painting my hands when the feeling of a dagger being stabbed into my heart made me lose my vision for a second as I staggered back from the crystal mirror I was observing my angered face in.

It had been two days since Rhysand had stopped responding, firstly it was Gaelic that still talked to me even it was only a sentence that he loves me making me think my Rhysand was angry at me but now I wasn't so sure. A lump formed in my throat unknowingly.

Suddenly a constant ringing sound made my body paralysed, the thread of my mate bond thinned, agony surged through my body, making my lashes wet from big fat tears rolling down my eyes without consent as I watch my reflection crumbling with realization.

"Rhy....RHY!" And only then it dawned upon me that why he wasn't responding. In that moment I realised why he hadn't still come for me and just there my whole world started falling apart.

Throwing open the door of my chamber I sobbed running like a maniac.

"RHYSAND!" hiccups followed by a series of sobs broke free from my throat as I stumbled in my way falling down the stairs.

"W-What is happening here?" Lucien shook his head when the rogue king asked nobody in particular that what had happened to the Lycan.

His fingers were turning blue as the temperature of his body dropped significantly turning to ice cold.

"Fools! Treat him what are you waiting for?"

"He isn't responding to anything." Duxen sighed heavily a weight settling on his chest as he looked at the man laying infront of him. Sadness spiked in the atmosphere.

"Listen to me bastard and listen quick, you are not dying on me, my daughter worships the ground you walk on and I was here to kill you with my own hands, get up and fight me!"

Zion helplessly roared, his heart sinking as he held Rhysand's palm observing his pulse. His mouth opened and eyes glossed as he bent on his knees.

"He is not-"

"D-dad?" Standing at the end of the cave was the girl who had a long gash cutting her forehead, blood dripping down her face.Her lilac eyes being swollen from crying.

Her face shone when a lightning striked the grey clouds, thunder echoing thought the forest.

"W-Who is there in f-front of you?" Medusa felt terror in her bones, she could feel the mate bond gone leaving a gaping holes in her chest. She knew who was the man, always did, as soon as her lilac irises clashed with his aurum eyes she knew he was her life.

Another thunder roared followed by a choking sound leaving her when she came forward seeing the person laying on the a thin mat, she feel down like her feet stopped functioning, refusing to carry her weight any longer.

Her ears became deaf to the inconsolable cries of Celeste, the falling of Lucien on his knees, unaware of the touch of her father who pulled her closer to him clutching her so she won't disappear.

"Is he sleeping?" She asked no one, moving herself out of Zion's embrace keeping her head on Rhysand's chest lovingly.

"Rhysand, look I am here, I am back, I punished those who wronged you, oh! The king I was going to kill him too but you wanted me here." She moved her hands, rubbing circles on his cheek as she watched him from her place on his chest.

Pitter-patter of water droplets falling from the sky indicated the heavy downpour which was to follow but Medusa was numb to anything beside Rhysand.

"Being so impatient isn't good Rhy but I forgive you, get up I am here." She whispered quietly like it was a secret among them. When she saw him not responding she embraced him tightly.

"Daddy tell him I love him so much, tell him to forgive me, I will be a better mate. Is he so angry from me that he won't even look at me?" the lilac eyes princess spoke in a shaking hollow voice.

Her fingers trembled as she held his face in between them kissing on his cold lips.

"Dad, Lucien.....why isn't his breath fanning my face?"
She shivered asking that dreadful question she already knew the answer to. A dam of emotions exploded as she put her palm close to his nose checking his breath.

"He is dead Medusa." Zion whispered softly his own voice thick with emotion. And just like that her world came to an end, her eyes watered, tears rolling down as she fell limp on her dead mate's body clutching to him and screaming in anguish.

(Now if you have decided to stop reading the book I suggest you to read a little further😊)

"RHYSAND!" her breathing constricted painfully when she raised his palm to keep on her cheek and it slipped right out her hold making her son harder than before.

A moon had fallen.
And no Lycan was there to raise her again in sky.

And no Lycan was there to raise her again in sky

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