Making out Alive

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"You don't understand, she is villainous." Deliah screeched. The idea of the little princess anywhere close to evil repulsed Valium.

"Don't you think my lord she is too naive, like it's impossible for someone like her to win the amount of wars she has and she is the general-"

"My King."

The Royal beta, General Reed was interrupted when a euphonious voice interrupted them.

Medusa entered the throne room, her hips swaying slightly as her curvy figure came closer to Valium, smiling sweetly at Deliah with innocence seeping through each pore of her body.

It seemed like she had an angelic halo around as her bright, wide, lilac eyes looked in the blue irises of the beta Reed moving closer to King shyly.

"I-i am s-sorry, I was having trouble s-sleeping, I just wanted to ask if I can stay awake till late."

Valium's lust intensified with a spark of surprise, he wanted to taint her soft body and mind, she was so obedient. He had asked her to go and sleep so that they could have a talk tommorow about their marrige......and she fucking complied without a word.

A marriage she knew nothing about, not that it mattered because preparations had already begun with royal invitations being sent out, her opinion had no importance but the werewolf king doubted that she will refuse.

She was a beautiful fawn infront of an hungry wolf and he was starving to have her. It didn't mattered if she liked it or not she will be bound to his bed by the end of three days.

But fawns are prey...snakes are not.
The presence he was gulping thinking it was nectar was venom instead. A venom so strong that none of them had any idea what was coming for them.

Deliah did exactly what Medusa warned her about, the pawns which didn't played according to Medusa's rules are often thrown off the game and stomped upon.

Deliah wanted a crown...Medusa was going to give her one.

"Sure Princess" She bowed.
"M-may I l-leave? B-but I don't know the directions....sorry." she whispered timidly.

"Beta Reed will show you your room." The beta's eyes hardened, he wasn't an escort or babysitter of a overly shy princess but refrained from saying anything.

"Please lead the way" General Reed guided Medusa out of the room shutting it quietly.

"She has threatened my life, she knows Rhysand and is by his side. She is playing with all of us Zion-"

"ENOUGH! Not another word! Get out"


"I have heard about your loyalty." General Reed nodded to Medusa, sitting awkwardly on the sofa set infront of her. He was opposed to the idea of entering her chamber but the girl persisted to talk to him.

"A beta is supposed to be the backbone of his King, just and kind-"

"Which you are absolutely not." Medusa stated coldly

"Excuse me?" The general couldn't help but admonish the girl, he wasn't too surprised though, she was too good to be true.

"Your king is corrupt, he holds hostages, tortures righteous people and signifies malicious ones. He is a monster and you are the backbone of his monstrosity."

"I don't agree or justify what he does-"

"Neither you condemn." Medusa cut him off.

"I knew it was all a facade, you have made a fool out of the king letting him think that you truly need his help but here you are spitting out venom for the person who saved you!"

Beta Reed growled trying to intimidate the girl who in turn smiled sinisterly.

Medusa got up from her seat, humming a tune although it sounded anything but comforting, coming behind Reed, her face void of any emotions, blank and the temperature of the room dropped with her rage as she encircled Reed like a prey.

"Saved me?" She threw her head back and laughed heartily making the hairs on the neck of the general stand with horror.

"I will tell you a sweet secret Beta.... listen carefully." Medusa got right behind the beta and be t down a little whispering in his ear.

"The person I have ran away from...... is my mate" she glided gracefully infront of the beta slamming her hands down the metal supports of the obsidian chair.

"And you know what, he must be really very angry that I ran away but I won't worry about me because he is going to take his wrath out on everyone who has played a part in separating us."

"W-What do you want from me?" The general shuddered and closed his eyes tightly as he heard hissing of seething snakes, a little sharp scratch on his made him tremble, it indicated the fangs of the snakes were touching his face so closely and he dared not open his eyes.

"Beta Reed" the snakes hissed simultaneously

"You must know by are not making out of this chamber alive."

The beta opened his eyes only to see a horrifying white snake with his mouth widely gaped open coming to sink his teeth in his body.

How Medusa's snakes look

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How Medusa's snakes look

How Medusa's snakes look

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