Crown of thorns

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"I didn't knew I was getting married."

Medusa was leaning on the magnanimous door of Deliah's chamber.  Her voice making the Queen jump in her place, her eyes filling with dark hatred for the rogue princess.

She could hate her for the last time all she wants because today Medusa would end her hatred as well as her....the knife strapped on her thigh would make it easier.

"You are not welcomed here. You are just another whore for my husband, the marrige means nothing, you are not even worth of the dust beneath my feet." Medusa ignored the degrading words despite her anger spiking dangerously.

"Just as Rhysand was not welcomed here, in his own mother's adobe after taking severe beatings from his father?" Deliah didn't answered just scoffing arrogantly.

"You may be his ally but you know nothing about him. He was a psychotic child, the spawn of the devil himself, he deserved it."

"He was your son, you gave birth to him, your own child, how dare you say that?" Medusa snarled.

"Son? What had that son given to me? Since the day he was born my life has been hell. I trained him to be obedient, to serve without question.

To be the king and bring honour to me and he.... that bastard shattered all my dreams and fought for whom? For that whore Gina's son. I gave birth to such a disappointment. He is a disgrace to me.

When he was born I always wanted to twist that little neck of his but I refrained because I believed he would be a good slave in future. Each day I was this close to suffocate him with my pillow when he hugged me but I refrained.

If I would have know what he would turn out to be I WOULD HAVE KILLED HIM IN MY WOMB!"

If Deliah knew what she had invited upon herself, she would have ran eons away from Medusa whose eyes were no longer lilac, no longer she was in control.

The knife was long forgotten...not an easy death anymore.

In eight years not even once, the snakes have taken full control, she was always aware of her actions...of the consequences and repurcussions but right now insanity danced and red splattered in her vision, rage coiled her in a vice grip...she had lost all control.

"Only yesterday, I was thinking that if evil is bound to regime on the throne of werewolf dynasty, then why not me? What is lacking in me that is keeping me away from it?...

You know my dear Queen, just right now I found the answer...." Medusa moved towards the Deliah, her irises turning neon yellow, craziness encircling her as she laughed like a madwoman making Deliah step back in horror.

Medusa clenched Deliah's brunette hair with brute force ripping some locks from scalp making the Queen scream in pain.
She dragged her behind herself without paying heed to the wailing or the soilders or maids which came forward for her rescue turning them all to stone.

Deliah cried in agony scratching Medusa's hand with her nails drawing blood on the creamy skin of the rogue princess. Medusa walked swiftly fast making Deliah fall on ground with tears streaming down her cheek.

"H-he-elp me!!! HELP MEEE PLEASE!!

The begging fell to deaf years as the queen was dragged again on the ground without noticing the sharp stairs which dug into her bones or ribs . Rough floor  scratching  her hands and body viciously.

Her head bumped on the wall with force several times drawing blood and making Deliah dizzy but Medusa couldn't care less.

It all came to a halt as Medusa stopped infront of an rusty iron gate she had seen numerous times in her visions.

"Welcome home Deliah." Deliah tried to move back with the help of her palms dragging herself away from the enraged girl as her eyes watered continuously.

"Forgive me, I will do anything you would say please forgive me! "

Medusa didn't answered instead her fingers wrapped around Deliah's ankle yanking her back.

"This is the place he was kept in. This is the place he was tormented." Medusa glared Deliah but a creepy smile graced her lips as she closed her eyes for a moment breathing deeply the strench of blood and fear intermixing.

"..This is going to be the place his torment would end."

The soil was going to be painted red with the amount of blood which was going to be spilled. Medusa had lost all senses of reasoning and logic.

She just wanted vengeance.

The dungeons which were mostly filled with boisterous laughter of rogues was eerily quiet. They saw the way the silver haired goddess dragged the woman they recognized as queen.

The soilders trying to stop her were beheaded and slaughtered before they could utter another single sentence. Though the men deserved it but It was more barbaric that anything they ever saw as the queen spit out blood from her mouth when her head bashed on the floor continuously. Her once bright face was covered with scratches and dirt.

The ones those who dared step between the predator and prey were either eliminated or turned into stone. The rogues couldn't help but tremble as they recognized the goddess, she was worshipped among them....Princess Medusa.

Medusa opened the same prison in which Rhysand was kept, she remembered those horrific details...her nightmares. Rhysand was her god and she would end anyone who dared hurt him.

"Leave me please!"
Medusa ignored her cuffing Deliah to the ceiling from the same silver chains from which Rhysand was restricted, her hands burned black but the pleasure of seeing Deliah in anguish overruled any other thing.

Deliah gave out bone chilling scream followed by desperate attempts to free herself burning her body more than before as more chains were coiled around the queen's neck.

"See here my Queen, I bought a crown for you." Medusa raised her beautiful fingers a little matted with her own blood, grinning sinisterly as she saw Deliah choke.

A crown of huge white thorns.

She brought it closer making Deliah scoot back despite the inevitable making Medusa laugh maliciously.

She placed it on Deliah's head harshly making her cry an ear piercing wail as the thorns dug into her skull, blood dripping down like water covering the white surface with colour vermilion.

"I wanted to tell you something Deliah" Deliah thrashed in the restrains screeching.

"Rhysand is my mate. My god. My everything...and the one who touches my mate, I will eat their flesh and drink their blood" The movements stopped for a moment as shock engulfed Deliah.


I am tired af. Love you guys so much, you make me write.

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